Catholic News Service

Catholic News Service

MANILA, Philippines -- Outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is to curb his tirades against the Catholic Church after agreeing to a moratorium on statements deriding priests and bishops.

COPAN, Honduras -- Nicaraguan bishops and clergy were attacked by armed groups aligned with the government July 9 as violence in the Central American country escalated and affected the Catholic Church, which has provided humanitarian assistance in its parishes and has tried to diffuse a worsening political crisis through dialogue.

MANILA, Philippines -- Catholic bishops in the Philippines, concerned about an increase in violence and police reaction to crime, announced a day of prayer and penance July 16 and three days of fasting, prayer and penance, July 17-19.

VATICAN CITY -- God does not conform to people's expectations, and he often presents himself and his graces in surprising ways, Pope Francis said.

VATICAN CITY -- As war continues to threaten the land of Jesus' birth and to undermine the existence of Christian communities there, the international community must learn from the errors of the past and do more to bring lasting peace to the Middle East, Pope Francis said.

VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican has released a document that establishes norms and principles for women who dedicate their lives as consecrated virgins and their place in the life of the church.

MEXICO CITY – The Mexican bishops conference extended congratulations to presidential election winner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who won a landslide victory on an agenda of change and promises to combat corruption and poverty.

SAN JUAN, Texas -- In less than 48 hours, a group of Catholic bishops saw the faces of triumph and relief from migrants who had been recently released by immigration authorities, but ended their two-day journey to the border with a more "somber" experience, visiting detained migrant children living temporarily within the walls of a converted Walmart.

MANCHESTER, England – An English bishop warned Catholics to be alert to the possible deliberate killings of seriously ill patients in state-funded hospitals.

MANCHESTER, England  -- A judge dismissed a legal challenge to quash the first "buffer zone" around a United Kingdom abortion clinic.