VATICAN CITY -- True love is not defined by preserving one's personal interests but by willingness to sacrifice oneself for the good of others, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- Some people always will want to destroy unity and stifle prophets, Pope Francis said on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY -- Everyone lives a life that is often inconsistent or a "contradiction" because people can be both a sinner and a saint, a victim and a tormentor, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- Among the many titles under which Catholics invoke Mary, Pope Francis has asked them to add "Mother of Mercy," "Mother of Hope" and "Comfort of Migrants."

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY -- Christians have no need to fear in moments of trial and adversity because God's grace is more powerful than evil, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis advanced the sainthood causes of three men and two women, including an Italian nun who was brutally murdered by three teenage girls who claimed it had been a satanic sacrifice.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY -- During the darkest, most deadly days of the COVID-19 pandemic in northern Italy, medical professionals and volunteers were "silent artisans of a culture of closeness and tenderness," a culture that cannot be allowed to disappear, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY -- True believers do not condemn people for their sins or shortcomings but intercede on their behalf with God through prayer, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

As Canadian churches continue to re-open, it would be wise to heed advice Pope Francis offered to Catholics everywhere.

Published in Editorial

VATICAN CITY -- The Eucharist heals people of their wounds, emptiness and sadness, and gives them the strength to share Christ's loving mercy with others, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

The cancer of racism is too widespread and too entrenched for one man to remedy alone, but if any one man could command international attention and speak with moral authority on the issue it would be Pope Francis.

Published in Editorial

VATICAN CITY -- True prayer is a "fight" with God in which those who think they are strong are humbled and faced with the reality of their own mortal condition, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis prayed for people living in countries where COVID-19 is still causing a huge number of deaths, and he cautioned people in Italy to continue to be careful and follow health precautions.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- In the story of the patriarch Abraham -- honored by Jews, Christians and Muslims -- faith becomes a direct relationship with God that is marked by constant prayer, which sometimes takes the form of "debating" with God, Pope Francis said.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY -- Just as the apostles were united once they received the Holy Spirit, the church is united by that same spirit and not by keeping company just with those who agree on a certain interpretation of Christian teaching, Pope Francis said on Pentecost.

Published in Reflections