VATICAN – The Catholic Church wants to listen to young people and know where they are coming from, but young Catholics must be ready to listen to Jesus and discover where he wants to lead them, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith

Recently, a friend of mine told me about a conversation she had with a classmate at college. To make a long story short, the topic of abortion came up and once this classmate realized my friend was pro-life, she started to get angry.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

The head of the Philippine bishops' conference expressed concern over what he perceived to be a growing trend "of rebuffing church morals and doctrine" in his country.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – To offer clearly and accurately the Catholic Church's positions on abortion, contraception, genetic engineering, fertility treatments, vaccines, frozen embryos and other life issues, the Vatican released an expanded and updated guide of the church's bioethical teachings.

Published in Vatican