The Catholic Register Digital Edition and Archive

When you access The Catholic Register Digital Edition you receive two great products:

  • A complete replica of every print issue of The Catholic Register in digital format, which means the entire paper can be read — anywhere, anytime — on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
  • Unlimited access to The Catholic Register Archive, comprising pdf copies of every issue of the paper ever published, starting in 1893.

When you subscribe to The Catholic Register Digital Edition you receive complete and unlimited access to The Catholic Register Archive, comprising every issue of the paper since 1893. That’s two great products for one low price.

A complete replica of every print issue of The Catholic Register is available in digital format, which means the entire paper can be read — anywhere, anytime — on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Digital Edition subscriptions start at just $9.99. Learn more.

Existing Print Subscribers:

  • Call toll free 1-855-441-4077 (ext. 404) to activate a digital subscription for just $9.99.

New Subscribers:

  • 3 months (12 issues) - $9.99*
  • 6 months (24 issues) - $15.99*
  • 12 months (47 issues) - $24.99*
  • 24 months (94 issues) - $45.00*

Payment Options

1. We accept Visa, MasterCard or payment through Paypal. Please note: Although all payments are processed by PayPal’s secure software, you do not need a PayPal account to make a credit card purchase.
2. To begin, select "Canada" or "International"
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5. To pay with Visa or MasterCard on the PayPal page, select "Check Out." Only select "Check out with PayPal" if you have a PayPal account or wish to create one.


*Please allow 24-48 hours to receive your activation email. Once you activate your account, you can go to to log in.







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The Catholic Register
1155 Yonge St., Suite 401,
Toronto, ON

Right-click the link and save the PDF subscription form.

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There is now one more reason to subscribe to The Catholic Register Digital Edition: We have expanded The Catholic Register Archive so that all 125 years of past issues are available at no extra cost to Digital Edition subscribers.

Every active digital subscription comes with free and unlimited access to all past issues from 1893 to the present.

The Digital Edition and the Archive require no special app or plug-in. Access is simple anywhere the Internet is available.

You can explore a sample of our Digital Edition. You can also view examples of pages from our Archive.

Or if you are not already a subscriber, go to our sign up page.

Catholic Register reporters, editors and designers were recognized for another year of outstanding achievement by taking home 14 awards, including eight first-place honours, at the annual Canadian Church Press gala dinner April 29 in Toronto.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA