Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

“Yes to Jesus, no to Pride.” “Make Catholic Schools Catholic Again.” “We Need Spiritual Leadership.”

Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo urged the Toronto faithful to honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus by practising humility, being pure of heart and leaning on God when broken-hearted in a letter published for the month of the Sacred Heart.

The Court of Appeal of Alberta has granted the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) intervenor status in the controversial case of a 27-year-old Calgary woman with autism seeking approval for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) against her father’s wishes.

What do you get when you combine the indefatigability of a religious sister, the impassioned altruism of a Calgary parishioner and the astonishing generosity and mobilizing power of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP)?

Six Ontario secondary school systems are joining forces with the Lung Health Foundation to combat student vaping.

Carlo Acutis loved playing Pokémon and Super Mario on his PlayStation. He kicked the soccer ball around with his friends. In the most frequently seen photo of the young man, he is pictured in a red polo shirt. 

Amplifying advocacy and pastoral care efforts, bolstering educational resources and championing life-affirming legislation are among the recommendations emerging from an international interfaith symposium on palliative care staged in Toronto late last month.

Bishop Bryan Bayda, who leads the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada, said God guided him on where to go and whom to meet during his February visit to war-torn Ukraine.

A University of Ottawa statue honouring the late Fr. Joseph-Henri Tabaret, OMI located steps from a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus was discovered vandalized on May 24.

Fr. Pierre Ducharme, O.F.M., is “riding a high” one week after returning from the Parish Priests for the Synod international meeting in Rome.