
{mosimage}The moment for Canada to beat its own swords into ploughshares, to transform its own spears into pruning hooks and to work so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation may have finally arrived with the defection of a former chair of Amnesty International into Canada’s nascent Catholic peace camp.

Sainthood cause started for Canadian nun

TORONTO - In July 1964, young Carmelina Tarantino arrived in Toronto from Liveri, Italy, seeking medical treatment for an aggressive form of cancer. When she was permanently admitted to Toronto’s Riverdale Hospital in 1969, her prognosis was grim: she was expected to live six months. Eight years later, Carmelina made her profession of faith and became Sr. Carmelina of the Passionist Sisters of the Cross.

Most Canadians believe God guided evolution: poll

{mosimage}OTTAWA - A recent Canadian Press-Decima Research Poll shows Canadians are divided on the role God played — or did not play — in the creation of humans. But that does not mean the evolution vs. creationism controversy raging in the United States will come to Canada.

WYD 2002: A look back


John Paul II was a bridge to young people


I will never forget the scenes in Rome surrounding the death of Pope John Paul II in April 2005. More than half the crowd of four million-plus people that descended upon Rome were young people from every part of the world. Such a thing would have been unthinkable 25 years ago.

RBC is first big bank to offer ethical funds

{mosimage}TORONTO - Canada’s biggest bank has just crashed the socially responsible investing party as lining up investments with values goes more mainstream.

Quebec City hotels filling up for 2008 congress

{mosimage}OTTAWA - Early in May, when James Doak of Ottawa booked a hotel room for the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress next June 15-22 in Quebec City, he discovered the hotel he chose was already 90-per-cent full.

Abolish abortion tops CBC wish list

{mosimage}OTTAWA - The wish to abolish abortion in Canada topped the CBC’s Great Canadian Wish List on Facebook with 9,543 votes.

50 years of Opus Dei in Canada

{mosimage}TORONTO - Hundreds of people crammed into Toronto’s St. Michael’s Cathedral June 20 to attend a Mass marking 50 years of Opus Dei’s presence and work in Canada.

Prendergast installed as Ottawa archbishop


{mosimage}OTTAWA - Ottawa’s new archbishop called all Catholics, including lay men and women, to “enter on the path of holiness” during his installation at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica June 26.


Five Canadian archbishops receive their palliums from Pope June 29


VATICAN CITY - The Vatican anticipated the July 1 celebration of Canada Day with a ceremony highlighting the ministry and authority of five new Canadian archbishops.

The archbishops of “the true North, strong and free” knelt before Pope Benedict XVI June 29 and received a woolen band symbolizing the responsibility they share with him of shepherding the church’s flock. They were joined by 41 other archbishops from around the world.

Nine pro-life MPs won’t seek re-election

{mosimage}OTTAWA - The pro-life movement stands to lose some staunch political allies before the next federal election. Nine members of Parliament sympathetic to the cause have said they will not run again.