A search for ‘strengths’ in community

Fr. Dominic Barber believes he’s found the tool that will take St. Patrick’s Parish in Markham, Ont., on the path to a stronger, more engaged parish.

Vatican to open WWII archives, research will take time, archivists say

VATICAN CITY -- When the Vatican's wartime archives open to researchers March 2, it will be just the start of what should be a long, slow process of studying, analyzing and publishing findings, said the Vatican's archivist and librarian.

Vatican official denies use of charity money for London property deal

VATICAN CITY -- Italian Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, denied allegations that money earmarked for helping the poor was used to invest in a London property deal.

Pope Francis: New Vatican finance laws are working

VATICAN CITY -- The decade-long process of updating the laws of Vatican City State is part of the Vatican's support for international commitments to protect people and safeguard vulnerable groups, who are "frequently the victims of new, odious forms of illegality," Pope Francis said.

God's Word on Sunday: Survival depends on loving our neighbour

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Feb. 23 (Year A) Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 103; 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

God called the people of Israel to be holy, just as God is. In Old Testament language, however, “holy” meant “set apart” or “completely different.” 

Pope Francis shares frustration with reaction to Amazon document

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis told a group of U.S. bishops that, like them, he is accused of not being courageous or not listening to the Holy Spirit when he says or does something someone disagrees with -- like not mentioning married priests in his document on the Amazon.

Don't try to 'clericalize' women in Amazon church, Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis released his document on the Amazon region on the 15th anniversary of the assassination in Brazil of U.S. Notre Dame Sister Dorothy Stang, a missionary who defended the poor and the environment.

Pope Francis: No 'quick fix' to priest shortage in Amazon

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis acknowledged the serious shortage of priests in remote areas of the Amazon, but he insisted not all avenues have been exhausted to address the issue.

Pope Francis releases apostolic exhortation on Amazon synod

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis said he dreams of an Amazon region where the rights of the poor and indigenous are respected, local cultures are preserved, nature is protected, and the Catholic Church is present and active with "Amazonian features."

Pope Francis praises Knights for aid to Middle East Christians

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis praised the Knights of Columbus for their charitable efforts and thanked them especially for helping Christians in the Middle East.

God's Word on Sunday: We can’t blame God for our choices

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Feb. 16 (Year A) Sirach 15:15-20; Psalm 119; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37

Freedom is a two-edged sword, for with freedom comes responsibility.