Canadians are sitting firmly on the fence when asked whether a papal apology for the sins of the residential school era would do any good in reconciling Indigenous Canadians with the immigrant majority. But Aboriginal Catholics are certain an apology from the Pope on Canadian soil would mark a new beginning after a long, sad history of colonization, racism and neglect.

Published in Canada

I’ve long been fascinated by political correctness and how it often has a life of its own; either ignoring facts or not bothering to find facts before going off half-cocked.

Published in Robert Brehl

OTTAWA – Canada’s bishops are being tight-lipped regarding a possible papal visit in the wake of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s request that Pope Francis apologize in Canada for the Church’s role in the residential school scandal.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he asked Pope Francis to help Canadians "move forward on a real reconciliation" with the country's Indigenous people "by issuing an apology" on behalf of the Catholic Church for its role in harming their communities.

Published in Canada

TORONTO – To shed light on some of the darkest moments in the history of Catholic education, students from St. Joseph’s College School unveiled their Residential Schools Memorial Wall at the annual Nuit Blanche all-night art festival.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

Have you heard the one about the long-time politician preaching to Catholics about morals and obligations?

Published in Robert Brehl

A $21-million fundraising shortfall by Canadian Catholics in meeting commitments of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement highlights a need for reconciliation between mainstream Canada and its aboriginal people that goes beyond the Catholic Entities named in the legal settlement with residential school survivors, according to government spokespeople.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - While many within the Catholic Church and other denominations have apologized for their role in Indian residential schools, many are still awaiting the one voice that would speak loudest — Pope Francis.

Published in Canada

Although a national poll showed Canada appears divided on the value of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Catholic Church leaders said a positive impact has already been felt among native communities.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY - Prime Minister Stephen Harper discussed the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission when he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican today.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Now that the tragic history of Canada’s residential schools has been thoroughly documented, it’s time for healing, said Justice Murray Sinclair, chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Published in Canada

TORONTO - Close to 500 people, equal numbers of native and non-native Canadians, walked through a cold, constant rain in Toronto to urge reconciliation on Canada’s largest city.

Published in Canada

The truth is we’re not reconciled, even as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission concludes its five-year inquiry into the legacy of 150 years of Indian residential schools with the release next week of its final report.

Published in Canada

TORONTO - In the province’s largest and most urbanized Catholic school board, efforts are being made to mend the wounds caused by Indian residential schools.

Published in Education

TORONTO - Highly acclaimed First Nations playwright Drew Hayden Taylor is bringing a poignant play to Toronto about a dark part of Canadian history.

Published in Arts News