Michael Swan, The Catholic Register

Michael Swan, The Catholic Register

Michael is Associate Editor of The Catholic Register.

He is an award-winning writer and photographer and holds a Master of Arts degree from New York University.

Follow him on Twitter @MmmSwan, or click here to email him.

Msgr. Sam Bianco — born as the Great Depression ended and his father went off to war, raised in the postwar boom, ordained in that first decade after the Second Vatican Council — had a 45-year career in ministry. 

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely and powers of attorney… well, not so fast. 

TORONTO - Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair and Toronto middle school teacher Lisa Felton were honoured by Toronto's four child protection agencies for their efforts in protecting vulnerable children.

Canada’s own appeal tribunal judicial vicar and professor of canon law Msgr. Roch Pagé has landed the Canon Law Society of America’s highest honour. 

Toronto’s Dominican priests are back in the parish ministry business, this time running the 127-year-old downtown francophone parish of Sacré Coeur. 

His nation wept, his city bowed and knelt in prayer and his family bore a greater pain than human hearts were made to endure as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was sent to his final rest from Christ Church Anglican Cathedral in Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 28.

Surviving cancer won’t bring an appointment to the International Theological Commission. Neither will it matter that you’ve been married forever and surrounded yourself with seven children and nine grandchildren. Volunteering at your parish for everything from the Catholic Women’s League to marriage preparation courses is nice, but it won’t make you part of an elite body of 30 Catholic theologians who advise the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the pope himself. 

TORONTO - If you get up close, within centimetres of Br. Emmaus O’Herlihy’s monumental painting of Christ the King, you may see a tear descending from Jesus’ left eye. Or you might not.

The Canadian contribution to the final report of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family comes up in paragraph 10, where synod fathers speak of dangers of the Internet.

Ted van der Zalm and his wife Miriam gambled their house on a call from God more than 10 years ago and it’s paid off. They hit a gusher, or more accurately, a dozen of them over the last decade.