The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: December 16, 2018

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

December 17, 2018

    Hopes dashed

    I was filled with hope when I read that the federal government plans to drop the contentious anti-abortion test for summer job funding. But on further reading, my hopes were dashed. 

    In order to receive summer-job funding for students, groups no longer have to attest to supporting reproductive rights, but the new wording is just as restrictive and just as vile. Applicants must declare they won’t work to infringe on any Canadian legal rights. 

    Keep in mind that Canada has no laws on abortion. Abortion is not illegal but there are no laws or statutes giving women the legal right to kill their unborn child.

    Other changes still deny pro-life groups from accessing summer-job funding. Any project or summer job that tries to “restrict access for a woman’s ability to access sexual or reproductive health services” (a euphemism for abortion) will be disqualified.

    I see this as a ploy to divide faith-based groups from pro-life groups. Trudeau and the Liberals are concerned about public opinion before the next election. This is just a way to appease faith groups until the election. Then, should the Liberals win, we can expect the full weight of government to come down on faith groups.

    Margaret Mountain,

    North Gower, Ont.

    A strong USA

    I am not a fan of Donald Trump because he is a very obnoxious person and there is a lot that I would like to see improved in him. However, if I were an American I would have voted for him because the alternative was much worse. 

    I believe he was right in cancelling the Iran-U.S. agreement. I agree with his objection to abortion. I also agree with the President that the U.S. is importing too much from China. 

    The west needs a strong United States.

    Victor Debono,


    St. Mike’s Man

    I graduated from the University of St. Michael’s College, not St. Michael’s College School, many years ago.The same honourable culture espoused by the Basilian Fathers then prevails today, too.

    The many reports of student hazing and consequent staff resignations sadden me. 

    In today’s rebellious society, it’s much too easy to look around and point fingers. So I would like to ask students: Do you feel comfortable in crowds or does your inner self tell you when to stand apart?

    When you look in the mirror, imagine talking to your own son or daughter or friend.

    That small reality test may show how you measure up as a real St. Mike’s Man. 

    Norm Stefnitz, 

    Burlington, Ont.

    Double standard

    Re: A woman’s place (Nov.11): 

    Maryam Monsef, Minister of Canada’s Status of Women, along with her fellow Liberal and NDP members of the House, was instrumental in denying pro-life MP Rachel Harder the position of Chair of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. 

    Monsef, while dealing with a Canadian society which she believes “sees Muslims as backward oppressors of women,” is herself demonstrating this very same backwardness by severely limiting her acceptance of all Canadian women.

    Kathleen Valin,
