Peter Stockland
Campaign Life Coalition has chosen as the theme for the 2025 March for Life Protection at Conception.
A 50-year-old Winnipeg man has been charged with assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon and disturbing an assemblage of persons after disrupting a Feb. 9 evening Mass at Holy Ghost Parish where he attempted to stab the parish pastor during Mass.
Canadian Catholic travel agencies know Jubilee 2025 is momentous and are adjusting pilgrimage slates for the year accordingly.
The Archdiocese of Toronto’s annual ShareLife parish charitable appeal accrued an all-time-high sum of $14,433,674 in 2024, surpassing the 2023 record by more than $200,000.
OSV News photo/Manon Cruz, Reuters
The head of the Tuscan Bishops' Conference said the passage of a new law in Italy allowing medically assisted suicide was "not an achievement, but a defeat for everyone."
The election of Joseph Aoun, a Maronite (Eastern-rite Catholic), as the 14th president of Lebanon and a fragile ceasefire have raised hopes that the war-ravaged and crisis-ridden country will finally reverse its steep descent into chaos.
Even though a pilgrimage peak is some months away, the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes celebrated its wintery feast day Feb. 11 with a number of pilgrims who flocked to the French holy site on the anniversary of the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
Pro-life groups welcomed comments by the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales bitterly criticizing attempts by government-aligned parliamentarians to rush through a bill allowing doctor-assisted suicide.
Pope Francis has added the feast day of St. Teresa of Kolkata, a "beacon of hope" and an example of loving service to the poorest of the poor, to the General Roman Calendar so that her "Optional Memorial shall be celebrated by all on 5 September every year."
CNS file photo/Joanne Keane
The Regnum Christi Federation, which includes the Legionaries of Christ, says the Vatican has given the federation's statutes "definitive approval."
Pope Francis has extended the terms of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re as dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri as subdean, the Vatican press office announced.
It is unacceptable that a child's right to life and a dignified childhood should be sacrificed to "the idols" of power, profit, ideology and nationalistic self-interest, Pope Francis told a group of world experts and leaders.