Letters to the Editor: January 27, 2019
January 28, 2019
End all persecution
Re: Persecution hits close to home (Jan. 13):
Bob Brehl states “we can go on and on about the persecutions of Christians around the world,” then abruptly switches to a story from The New York Times which discusses the homosexual individual from a Catholic San Diego parish who was harassed. Am I the only one who sees a disconnect?
No human being should ever be harassed or assaulted, but Aaron Bianco had the freedom to report the incident to authorities and to press charges. Try offering that advice to our suffering brethren in China, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.
It is correct to state “persecution hits close to home.” But how about writing about the plight of the Colorado baker or the Washington State florist or many other Christians who are being sued by individuals who do not agree with Christian values and beliefs?
And what about Canadian employers bullied to sign an attestation in order to give students a summer job?
The individuals who harassed Mr. Bianco do not define the Catholic Church. The majority of young Catholics support LGBT rights. Let’s pray that they also support Christians who are in turmoil around the globe.
Anne Marie Manna-Peter,
Toronto, Ont.
Tolerant view
Re: Persecution hits close to home (Jan. 13):
Bishop Robert McElroy must be commended for the strong indictment made against those who persecuted Aaron Bianco and forced him to resign from his position. Homosexuality is not a choice. Those who practice it are created so and even Pope Francis has remarked, “Who am I to judge?”
While the Church should maintain its stands that there is no such thing as gay marriage, and marriage is a sacrament entered into between a man and a woman, private homosexual relationships can be viewed with sympathy and tolerance.
Benedict Thomas,
Scarborough, Ont.
Shady grey
The continuing controversy regarding agencies which are funded by donations from Catholic churches for Development and Peace was not helped by the Archdiocese of Toronto forwarding $800,000 to D&P before the investigation of 52 questionable organizations was complete.
Canadian bishops’ representatives will meet with D&P before the 2019 fundraising campaign to discuss the “problematic” agencies after the bishops have already donated the funds knowing there are problems.
Fr. Ken Forster referred to “living in a grey area” if we only support organizations which refuse to fund abortion, birth control, same-sex marriage and similar issues. I think most Catholics will agree that these are not grey areas but are black and white, and we should never financially support killing a child in the womb regardless of what good an organization can accomplish in legitimate areas of need.
Mary Ellen Douglas,
Kingston, Ont.
Dump Trump
We should expect better from the President of the United States.
I am a Catholic and I have no faith or trust in Donald Trump. He will do anything to get what he wants — even shut down the government to get money for his wall.
The sooner the U.S. gets rid of him, the better off we’ll all be.
George Meyer,
Prince Albert, Sask.