The Catholic Register

Speaking Out: Taking a stand against abortion

By Janalle Lafantaisie, Speaking Out

February 7, 2019

YSN: Speaking Out

I don’t handle conflict well, especially when it comes to social media. I don’t like to engage in online arguments. I don’t like to throw my opinion in the circle. It scares me. It makes me uneasy. 

It’s because of this, that I have never once shared my opinion or thoughts of abortion on social media. It’s such a hot topic and literally everyone has an opinion, whether it’s vocal or not. 

When I read an article online explaining the new act that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law, I knew my time of silence was over. The fact that the State of New York is now onboard with permitting the killing of an unborn child up until the moment of delivery is vile. 

Remember the episode of Friends when Ross was talking to the baby in Rachel’s tummy? He explained to Phoebe that the unborn child could hear their voices. Remember in the movie Juno when Sue-Chin Lee tells the pregnant Juno that her baby has fingernails right as she is about to walk into an abortion clinic? These aren’t just fictional moments to make you feel something in a film or show, these are realities of the unborn. They’re unborn, not un-alive. 

I believe life starts at the moment of conception. Those little cells do amazing things, they come together and bind and start to create a small, beautiful thing called life. I believe this with all my heart. I condemn that we as a society can consider cells on Mars to be signs of life, yet the formed and unformed cells within a woman’s body are not.

I understand fully that not all women intend to become pregnant. I think my views on procreation and sex would take up a whole other column, but I will respect that not all women are ready for motherhood. I think I can understand why abortion would seem like the way out. I understand that there are risks in pregnancies, risks to the mother, risks to the child, risks to the health and quality of life of the child from within the womb. 

I can understand why “not putting the child or mother through that pain” would seem like a logical step. I can understand that maybe birth control isn’t affordable. But I often wonder why abortion is the first option to women and not adoption. 

We live in a world where people are more worked up about whether or not a dog shelter is no-kill than about how many abortion clinics exist. We’re freaking out about the law in New York, but did you know that in Canada there are no abortion laws, meaning that you can abort the child in your womb at 39 or even 40 weeks?

All right, fine, it’s the woman’s right to what’s going on in her body, but sisters, we’re better than this! I want you to dignify what’s going on in your body. I want you, if you are able, to pick up that bundle of joy and educate him or her on the goodness of life. 

I believe in the dignity of human life from the moment of conception. I believe that a woman’s body is an incredible thing and stronger than we sometimes remember to give it credit for. Please, choose life. Choose it every day. Choose it for the unborn, the old and dying, the child you know that’s getting bullied, the neighbour struggling with mental health — for everyone you encounter, give them dignity and give them strength. 

This is my pro-life stance. From conception until death, let’s cherish and uphold the life in between.

(Lafantaisie, 24, is a photographer for Alice and Flore Photography in Winnipeg, Man.)

YSN: Speaking Out