The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: March 24, 2019

Catholic Register Staff

March 21, 2019

    Complete picture

    I commend Fr. Michael Machacek for visiting Toronto parishes to “share information” and help give Catholics “hope” regarding the “horrors of priestly abuse.” But after reading the facts/figures he cites, I suggest that readers google a recent study published by Fr. Paul Sullins, a sociology professor who taught at the Catholic University of America (CUA) for many years. His report is entitled “Is the Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse related to Homosexual Priests?”

    He contends this “question comes up logically” because, while two-thirds of sex abuse of minors in general involves girls, “the vast majority of (priestly sex abuse) victims were boys.” 

    Sadly, there are still seminaries and churches around the world in which predator priests/bishops, who have forgotten or abandoned their ordination vows, continue to be sheltered and protected. 

    Recently we heard about 50 seminarians in Honduras who wrote to their bishops pleading for them to “clean up our seminaries” by removing priests and bishops who were harassing and intimidating seminarians.

    The brave young men in Honduras and others like them are leading us back to the Church that Jesus founded.

    Perhaps The Catholic Register could offer readers an article/interview which highlights Fr. Sullins’ findings so a more complete picture may be obtained.

    Anne Marie Peter,


    Fish story

    The recent article comparing all of the fish sandwich offerings at our favourite fast-food restaurants was a nice, light change from the sea of misery constantly being reported about our beloved Church and the world at large. 

    As we try to keep Fridays meatless during Lent, it helps to get these reviews up front. A useful and entertaining piece!

    Jennifer Khan,

    Woodbridge, Ont.

    Pray for Trump

    Over recent weeks I have been following a chain of letters related to Charles Lewis’ column about Donald Trump. I usually like Mr. Lewis’ articles, however I found this one rather disappointing. 

    The article is simply unfair and not in the spirit of Christian values. 

    He acknowledges the good intentions of Donald Trump in his support for the pro-life movement, but at the same time expresses strong criticism about Trump’s morality. 

    What is the result? Whatever good deeds Trump does he is the wrong president.

    We all remember story of King David, an adulterer, liar and murderer. However, he was blessed by God and became a good king. Christianity calls for something deeper than shallow statements about a person.

    Let’s all for pray for Trump and ask God to bless him.

    Andrew Baczynski,

    Georgetown, Ont.

    Cold article

    Re: Basilians must search for a ‘priestly’ response (Mar. 17):

    While I spare a thought and a prayer for the Basilians’ new superior general, I have to wonder if it was necessary for Fr. Raymond de Souza to write such a cold and extensive article on the plight of Fr. Thomas Rosica.

    Very few Basilians have done more than him to bring the faith alive to so many people. I have known Fr. Rosica for many years, and I appreciate his service as a priest. 

    With an intellectual mind and a loyalty to the faith, he has made Salt + Light television a wonder and a gift. Through it he has brought the Gospel alive to many. 

    May Fr. Rosica go on to accomplish more, and may he know how much his work is appreciated. 

    Virginia Edman,


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