Church marks anniversary of attack
April 14, 2019
In the year since 10 people were killed and 16 others injured when a man mowed down people with a van on sunny spring afternoon along Toronto’s Yonge Street, St. Edward’s Parish has continued to offer sanctuary and healing to the shocked and traumatized community.
On April 23, the anniversary of the Toronto van attack, the neighbourhood Catholic church will also offer a meal and a chance to be together.
On the day of the attack and in days following many sought safety and comfort inside the church.
The St. Edward’s Parish community dinner at 6:45 p.m. will begin with prayer in the sanctuary led by Fr. Pat O’Dea at 6:15 p.m. The dinner is part of a larger program of events that includes commemoration ceremonies at Mel Lastman Square, chalk drawing along the street and music in Olive Square. Details are at
The man arrested in the attack was charged with 16 counts of attempted murder and 10 counts of murder. His trial is expected in February of 2020.
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