The Catholic Register

People can find peace by visiting those who suffer, pope says

By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service

April 29, 2019

    VATICAN CITY - People who feel restless or lacking inner peace will discover it when they visit those who are experiencing great difficulty, suffering, illness or persecution, Pope Francis said.

    Jesus' wounds are a source of peace "because they are the sign of Jesus' enormous love" as he conquered evil, sin and death with his crucifixion and resurrection, the pope said April 28 before praying the "Regina Coeli" with visitors gathered in St. Peter's Square.

    Just as Jesus invited a doubting Thomas to touch his wounds, Jesus extends that same invitation to everyone today, he said.

    "It is as if Jesus were saying to all of us, 'If you are not at peace, touch my wounds,'" which are also present in the problems, difficulties, suffering, illnesses and persecution so many people experience today, the pope said.

    "Are you not at peace? Go. Go on and visit someone who is the symbol of Jesus' wounds. Touch Jesus' wounds" because they are a source of his peace and mercy, he added.

    Noting the day also commemorated Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis said, "we all need mercy."

    "Let us get close to Jesus and touch the wounds of our brothers and sisters who suffer," he said.

    The pope also wished a happy Easter to Orthodox and Eastern-rite Catholics celebrating Jesus' resurrection according to the Julian calendar.