Readers Speak Out: May 5, 2019
May 3, 2019
God’s creation
Re: Healthy eating (Letters to the Editor, April 14):
All of God’s creation, animal and plant, was meant for man to use judiciously. Those who misuse or abuse any form of creation are going to have to be accountable to God. Plants are as much part of creation as are animals.
Will Belinda Masters suggest at some point in the future that plants should also not be consumed?
Secondly, much of what Francis Campbell says about fake news in the same issue is correct and makes sense.
However, I disagree with his analysis and his characterization of President Donald Trump’s interpretation of what constitutes fake news.
The president is more than justified in calling out the media (in the United States particularly) because it has been proven time and again that what was presented as fact turned out to be lies and liberal talking points. In many ways the liberal press have become the propaganda machine for the Democrats.
I would rather have someone like Trump running Canada than someone like Justin Trudeau who, like his father, has pushed policies that have degraded family values since 1969.
Raymond O. Barnett,
Pembroke, Ont.
Two popes
The fact that the Church has two Popes is a metaphor of the condition of the Church. This is more pronounced now that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is speaking again of the condition of the Church. We are now hearing two voices in the hierarchy.
Rufino Ty,
Brampton, Ont.
Name games
Re: Abuse crisis took root in 1960s: Benedict (April 21):
Although I am not familiar with The Catholic Register, I intend to read it from now on. It is a great newspaper helping Catholics stay in tune.
I am conservative but not old (not even senior), yet I am appalled to see how we treat our pastors, by their first (or acquired) names. In this case the article refers to Pope Benedict.
Only in the first paragraph is he referred to as Pope Benedict XVI. In the seventh paragraph he is called Pope Benedict, yet close to the end it mentions “retired pope,” instead of retired Pope.
In my native Spanish, respect for hierarchy starts by referring to our pastors appropriately, particularly if we are referring to the Pope. Please watch how you educate the readers, and know that we all need a slap on the hand from time to time.
Martha Laverde,
Oakville, Ont.
Confusing concepts
Re: My Lenten promise extends to 54 Fridays (Mar. 31):
The writer seems to be confusing the concept of abstinence (refraining from a particular food) with the concept of fast (refraining from any food).This distinction seems to present a problem for many Catholics.
Also, I was under the impression that the injunction to abstain from meat on Fridays is still in effect for Catholics. It could be replaced with an act of charity, but Catholics had to do one or the other.
Ralph Thomson,
Surrey, B.C.