Readers Speak Out: April 28, 2019
April 26, 2019
Unacceptable changes
As a Catholic school teacher I was very happy to hear that the PC government is committed to Catholic education in Ontario. Many Catholic and non-Catholic Christian parents still want a faith-based education for their children.
This is a system that our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents helped create and we must try to protect it.
The government is also making sweeping changes in order to balance the books. A change to autism funding will come into effect this fall and is expected to bring more high-needs children into classrooms full-time. The minister has promised teachers one day for training to meet the needs of these students. This is simply not enough.
There are many ways to balance the budget. Why not eliminate the wasteful EQAO math tests and save millions of dollars a year? Why not allow businesses to advertise in school gyms?
People need to speak up and let their MPP know that sweeping changes to our education system are unacceptable.
Kyle Tilley,
Barrie, Ont.
So many accusations are flying around accusing the hierarchy of the Catholic Church of closing its eyes and even covering up sexual abuses of children and nuns.
The Church is bound by two important pillars of Catholic faith, confidentiality of confessions and forgiveness. Either one prevents the listener from calling the police to file a complaint.
Blaming celibacy for any evil is certainly wrong. Whoever breaks his vow of celibacy no longer has the right to be a priest and should be prevented from coming in contact with those who would be victims. Even if he repents. However, forgiveness must be applied with time and adherence to Christ’s teachings.
We have to understand that a priest is just a human being that chooses to serve and love Christ more than any one of us. My respect and admiration goes to those who keep their vows of celibacy. I pray for mercy on those who fail to keep their vows to Christ.
Alexander King,
Scarborough, Ont.
Educating adults
Violence against people who choose to be guided by religious belief threatens all of us. Civility, respectful dialogue and the protection of religious freedom are basic to a safe and hospitable world.
Unless we are Inuit, First Nations or Métis people, we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. To be Canadian is to be enriched and strengthened by our varied backgrounds and cultures.
If hate-laced language is supporting violence against people who are simply practising their faith, let us change our words. Let us abide by common-sense boundaries that protect free speech and reject hate speech. If it is fear and hurt that are fuelling anger, let us find ways to calm and heal.
The Dalai Lama has been quoted as saying that “humanity depends upon our ability to educate the hearts of children.” Perhaps it also depends upon re-educating the hearts of adults. Anne Moloney,
Belleville, Ont.
Re: Church lacks sexual maturity, nun argues (April 7):
I agree with Sr. Marie-Paul Ross that “the problem isn’t your celibacy, it’s your immaturity” when it comes to the crisis of sex abuse in the Church and society. But why must we be ready to “let go of the structures and build with the inspired heart”?
Surely Holy Mother Church has given us a fully formed faith and teachings that needs no alteration or further inspiration.
Sr. Marie-Paul advised, “It is up to us to teach them (children) how to deal with their exposure to pornography.” That is too quick a capitulation. We need to protect children from dangers such as pornography and disordered sexuality, not teach them how to deal with it.
Please remember the right-ordering of sexuality taught by the Catholic Church. Then teach it. Faithful Catholics will be forever grateful.
Helen Kay,
Belleville, Ont.