The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: June 16, 2019

Catholic Register Staff

June 14, 2019


    Re: Changing of the guard (June 2):

    To say that there is “significant resistance” to the change in the Knights of Columbus uniform is a blatant understatement. In a survey of District 2 (encompassing the GTA and area) more than 90 per cent of the Fourth Degree members opposed the dictated change. 

    When Dan Heffernan (Ontario State Deputy) used the derogatory term “diehards,” he inadvertently exposed an attitude of disrespect for the majority Canadian members of the Patriotic Degree.

    The “new uniform” should correctly be called the American uniform as it has a strong U.S. military appearance. It was conceived in the United States, manufactured in the United States and, until recently, the sole source of the uniform was from an American address.

    While the current tuxedo uniform has a baldric indicating that the wearer is Canadian, the American uniform has no reference at all to Canada. The Fourth Degree is the Patriotic Degree of the Knights and Canadian patriotism is Canada-oriented. As Canadian citizens our allegiance must be to Canada.

    Numerous requests to the American head office were met with utter refusals. No grandfathering will be permitted! The old regalia has been outlawed effective Canada Day, July 1. 

    The wearing of a Canadian Fourth Degree pin (current pin with Canadian Flag over it) is also declared anathema. Surely Canadian Sir Knights should be permitted to wear a uniform with a Canadian reference.

    Sir Knight J. Ken Cornforth, 

    Thornhill, Ont.


    Re: Growing up with a saint (June 9):

    Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the interview with Chela Torres about Guadalupe Ortiz. 

    As you can imagine, we are very excited about the beatification of Guadalupe because she is the first layperson of Opus Dei to reach this step towards canonization.

    Msgr. Fred Dolan,

    Vicar of Opus Dei for Canada,

    Montreal, Que.

    Apologize now

    With respect to D-Day, it should be remembered that the Second World War started after Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact and divided Poland between them.

    At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the allied nations and the Soviets signed a pact to defeat Germany and root out Nazism. This pact accepted the expansion of communism into Eastern Europe and led to the Cold War (and Iron Curtain).

    When are the attendees of the Yalta Conference going to apologize to the countries enslaved by the expansion of communism, an evil ideology?

    Mile Pletikosa, 

    Scarborough, Ont.

    Students first?

    So teachers are threatening to strike over contract talks. This will mean the annual Fogarty Dinner honouring students will be cancelled. I thought teachers always put the students first?

    Byron Perry,

    Oakville, Ont.

    Ecological conversion

    I have enjoyed reading The Catholic Register for years. However, I would like to suggest a weekly column featuring Laudato Si’. I am part of a group that has been promoting this encyclical by offering parish workshops to help the ongoing dialogue on the messages from Pope Francis. Now, more than ever, we need people to understand the unfolding environmental crisis.

    We are launching the Canadian chapter of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, a coalition of over 650 Catholic organizations. Pope Francis is calling all of us to ecological conversion and to care for our common home.

    Roman Caruk,

    Hamilton, Ont.