The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: June 23, 2019

Catholic Register Staff

June 21, 2019

    Eternal damnation

    Re: Will there be a day when hell is empty? (May 19):

    The purpose of this letter is to correct a theological misconception in a statement in Fr. Ron Rolheiser’s column.

    The state of being in hell, also known as eternal damnation, is the state of permanent separation from God. The possibility of hell is a consequence of the freedom of humans and angels to reject God’s invitation to enter into a loving relationship with Him.

    Creatures in hell are there because they obstinately chose to refuse God’s saving love. By its very definition, the state of being in hell is a permanent one. There can be no hope in hell, and no one in hell can be converted because they have decided never to accept conversion. 

    I believe this is dogma of the Catholic Church, and I am disheartened with discussions of the possibility of “saving” those in hell, or that hell may be empty.

    Jean Pierre Rank,

    Sudbury Ont.

    Questions to ask

    The June 9 issue of The Catholic Register included an intensive discussion and analysis of abortion, its legal status and its morality. 

    However, when are we going to begin a similar conversation about the sacrifice of children, born and unborn, to the god of war? 

    When are Christians going to become conscious that they have participated in this sacrifice of children by participating in war willingly and even arguing for its necessity? 

    It is going on even now in a number of places, and Christians are participating in these massive human sacrifices where a high percentage of the victims are children, born and unborn. 

    Why has there not been an outcry of the Catholic community against this sacrifice? Jesus had harsh words for anyone who deliberately injured a child. Have we not heard about this or have we just ignored and denied that we would ever do such a thing? 

    These are uncomfortable questions, but Christians are obligated to ask them and answer them.

    Walter and Ruth Klaassen,

    Saskatoon, Sask.

    Sharing memories

    Thank you for the articles written by Harry McAvoy concerning his thoughts on Alzheimer’s with respect to his father and himself. Both articles were very informative and so honestly written. 

    Memory loss seems to be part of this aging process we all must face daily to some degree. I so appreciate his sharing of memories and also the depth of his faith. 

    Such a journey is in many ways frightening but hopefully we also come to cherish our Catholic life as he does.  

    Catherine von Zuben,

    Thornhill, Ont.

    Tangible hope

    Re: Ecological conversion (Letters to Editor, June 16):

    I agree with the recommendation of having a weekly column featuring Laudato Si’. This encyclical is written for everyone and can benefit all. Pope Francis stresses the principles that are clearly about the social teaching of the Church and private property. 

    The strong message can make hope tangible for the future of climate change. It promotes the concepts of equality and a social mortgage on all private property, a true community of people, working to care for each other. 

    Virginia Edman,
