The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: July 14, 2019

Catholic Register Staff

July 12, 2019

    Uniformly upset

    I am the wife and daughter of proud members of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. It has been announced that the uniform is to change. The new uniform consists of pants, jacket and a beret. 

    How are the Knights to remove a beret and salute and then put the beret back on properly? The uniforms look like they are from the army or navy. They will just blend in with other groups.

    In addition, these men have invested in tuxedos, baldrics, bow ties, gloves, capes and chapeaus at a fair expense. Now they are expected to invest in this new uniform at a significant expense. 

    Please leave the uniform as it is in Canada and allow these men to perform their honour guards the way they have for as long as I can remember.

    Sue Breadner,

    Guelph, Ont.


    I was taken aback to see that The Catholic Register chose to sensationalize Fr. Thomas Rosica’s resignation, by placing “Rosica out” together with his picture on the front page. On Page 3, to which the reader is directed, that information is in the lower third of the page, while the larger issue (“Quebec passes Bill 21 in the face of opposition”) commands the upper two-thirds.  

    Since your editors saw the Quebec issue was of greater importance, why wasn’t that alert on the front page? 

    Please let’s not imitate the practices of other publications where no one’s further public humiliation matters.  

    Wendy Cotter, CSJ,

    Chicago, Ill.

    Talent and acumen

    I read with much sadness the exit of Fr. Thomas Rosica from Salt + Light Media Foundation. His resignation is very much regrettable. 

    Fr. Rosica has been a tower of strength for the Catholic Church in Canada in numerous capacities. He is an intellectual of high calibre who can contribute so much to the Church and the faithful for many more years.

    He has admitted his faults and explained how he came to commit them. If he has plagiarized, he has not done so to boost his image or fame but to propagate the faith. A mountain has been made out of a molehill.

    The Church authorities in Canada should let this incident pass and utilize Fr. Rosica’s services in whatever way possible. His talent and acumen should not be allowed to go to waste.  

    Benedict Thomas,

    Scarborough, Ont. 

    Myopic response

    Re:  Abortion and America (June 9):

    That three out of four Canadians think abortion is permissible is scarcely surprising considering how effectively the pro-life case is silenced in the public square.

    When the dramatic rise in pro-life support among young Americans forced the issue onto the radar of dozing journalists and politicians, their response was typically myopic, (labelling) it as a movement of white males and right-wing Christians.

    Pathetic, no?

    Ken Purcell,

    Winnipeg, Man.