Readers Speak Out: November 10, 2019
November 7, 2019
Divided electorate
Re: Election exposes some deep divisions (Oct. 27):
There appeared to be a big divide in the federal election brought about by key issues such as euthanasia and abortion.
The election pointed to a deeply divided electorate, but there have been some encouraging initiatives that would suggest the minority government situation may already be leading to some welcome healing and co-operation. Trudeau’s resolve that “his government would govern for all Canadians regardless of who they voted for” may help heal the rift.
Rudy Fernandes,
Mississauga, Ont.
Tackling poverty
Re: More co-operation needed to tackle poverty, say bishops (Nov. 3):
The CCCB identified the effects of poverty and indicated the cruelty and merciless nature of an economic system that “perpetuates poverty.”
The labour market is not particularly accessible to those with barriers to employment and those who lack acceptable experience. There lies the problem.
Many must work multiple low-paying jobs; women are not always paid equal to men in the same positions; some are deprived of work because of systemic racism; often, mentally disabled people are denied employment outright.
Our labour market needs a “can-do” spirit instead of a “not-you” attitude.
A free post-secondary educational system paid for by the governments would eliminate graduate debt and a substantial area of poverty.
A labour market offering fair wages, opportunities and assistance for those with barriers to employment would significantly reduce poverty.
Christopher Mansour,
Barrie, Ont.
Educating Catholics
Am I correct to say that your mandate is to educate Catholics? I am looking for a paper that will.
There is a federal party that is pro-life — The Christian Heritage Party. There were 51 people running in the past election.
Was there any mention of them in all the election coverage? It is impossible to get the word out about their policies if a pro-life party is ignored by a Catholic paper.
Also, in your editorial of Oct. 20, I take issue with the suggestion to pinch your nose and vote for whomever is least hostile to Catholic values. How can we ever change the government with that attitude?
It is far better to mark a ballot with “no pro-life candidate.” Each vote gives that party more status/more money.
Linda Darwin,
Ottawa, Ont.
Stand up for life
My husband and I attended the Life Chain at our parish on Oct. 6. Thirty brave souls stood quietly praying the rosary in front of the church.
I kept thanking God for the grace of living in Canada, which enshrined in its constitution: the freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and the freedom to stand up and protect the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn. But for how long?
Now more than ever we must show government officials that pro-life Catholics, Christians and others cannot be intimidated, cajoled, mocked or treated as second-class citizens just because we seek to protect the lives of those who cannot defend themselves.
Anne-Marie Peter,