Jesus’ birthday is a hit
December 22, 2019
Over 100 families celebrated Jesus’ birthday just a little early at the annual Daughters of St. Paul Baby Jesus Party on Dec. 7.
Hosted by the Sisters at Pauline Books & Media in Toronto, the event is meant “to help children and families reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.”
The signature event is having the guests dress up as a character from the Nativity story and having their picture taken by a statue of Baby Jesus in the manger.
The religious sisters and staff at Pauline Books & Media have been hosting the Baby Jesus Party for more than 25 years. It takes four sisters, five staff members and a crew of 20-plus volunteers to run the all-day event, which also features crafts for kids, face painting and hourly visits by St. Nicholas, who tells the story of his life and legacy as Bishop of Myra.
St. Nicholas concluded each of his visits by leading children in a short prayer and a chorus of “Happy Birthday” to Baby Jesus, followed by birthday cake.