Readers Speak Out: December 29, 2019
December 26, 2019
Entirely? Not really
Re: Dialogue continues on path of co-operation (Dec. 1):
The article states: “By 1763 King Louis XV had no choice but to cede France’s North American possessions entirely to England’s King George III.”
There is a bit of a problem with the word “entirely,” unless the North American possessions are to be understood very narrowly as continental. The Treaty of Paris (1763) recognized the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon as belonging to France. Until 1904 France also retained certain rights, but not of settlement, to the “French shore” of Newfoundland.
Brian F. Hubka,
Calgary, Alta.
Something missing
Having read The Catholic Register and Interim for many years I am coming to the realization that although the degree of journalism is respectable, something is missing. Is it teaching? Preaching? Prophecy? Evangelizing?
What do I miss if I miss reading an issue? I miss information, usually information that I could miss because it only makes me feel somewhat depressed and helpless. Where are the challenges that we as Catholics ought to address?
What I am missing in Catholic journals is not information, but suggestions that help to address certain issues. What can or should I/we do? I am sure that what I have written will resonate with many readers. Could it be a topic for discussion and ultimately a wake-up call to protect our faith that is attacked from all directions?
Eugene Perabo
Ottawa, Ont.
Lost cause
The Conservatives lost the election because of Andrew Scheer. Scheer lost the election because he is a practising Catholic. No matter how far left he leaned to accommodate the naysayers — maybe further than his faith allows — he kept his personal beliefs on abortion and resisted participating in Pride displays.
He lost because of a complete lack of media support and because others in the party would not support his team. He lacked the support of the LGBTQ and pro-abortion factions and those new, politically unsophisticated Canadians caught up in fake news, and the CBC, which must be reformed or defunded if we have any hope for democracy in this country.
John JF Killackey,
Mississauga, Ont.
Right wing clergy?
Re: Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect (Nov. 15):
What does Charlie Angus mean by “my advice to politicians who are being threatened by right wing clergy….”? Who, exactly, are the “right wing clergy”?
Does Angus mean priests who follow and impart the true Catholic doctrine founded on the life of Jesus and the 2,000 years of faith cultivated by saints and martyrs? Or priests who counsel Catholics by encouraging anyone who harbours a pro-abortion mentality to change this view to remain in the arms of Holy Church?
Angus and American Joe Biden are savvy politicians. They know how to follow rules. Why should adherence to Catholic doctrine be any different?
Angus and others like him should refrain from imposing their secular “faith” on what has always been the true Catholic faith.
Anne Marie Manna Peter,