The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: January 12, 2020

Catholic Register Staff

January 9, 2020

    Room for all

    Re: New Mass at 50: a face-to-face issue (Dec. 22):

    I find much beauty in the Latin Mass. I grew up with it. But I also find beauty in the Novus Ordo in its simplicity and its native tongue, or mix of Latin and English.

    There is a time and place for all, from stoic and solemn, to charismatic and lively. But I worry about this trend to return to the past and force everyone to celebrate in one manner.

    Pope Benedict XVI in his book Dogma and Preaching warns of three major movements that started after Vatican II and are dangerous to the future of the Church.

    One is the progressiveness within the German Church. The second is clericalism. 

    The third is the devotional movement by those who feel betrayed by Vatican II. It is marked by a Marian devotion fuelled by visions and miracles and a narrow-minded battle for the letter of the old liturgy. 

    Benedict writes of the danger of sectarianism in the Church, where people suspect Vatican II of heresy and thereby leave the universal Church. 

    The beauty of the Catholic Church is that there is room for everyone.

    Deacon George Jurenas,

    Streetsville, Ont.

    Dogs in Heaven?

    Re: Incarnation goes beyond saving people (Dec. 22):

    Fr.  Ron Rolheiser stated that “dogs can go to Heaven.” So I am wondering whether chickens, pigs, cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and maggots will also go to Heaven. 

    The last time I checked only humans have spirits that continue to exist beyond death. Only humans have the faculty of free will that makes them accountable for their actions; hence, they have the choice to sin or not sin against God.

    What is happening to the Church? This “dog can go to Heaven” statement sounds more like Buddhism than Christianity. 

    Rufino Ty,

    Brampton, Ont.

    Peace and goodwill

    Re: Truce of 1914: A glimpse of man’s good (Dec. 22):

    In the Christmas Truce of 1914 British, French and German troops disobeyed orders, put aside weapons and fraternized in no-man’s land.  As Christians they were unified by their common celebration of Christ’s birth, singing carols, exchanging greetings and gifts.                          

    Soldiers on both sides were propagandized to hate the enemy, but during the truce they instead followed Christ’s teaching to love your enemies, resulting in peace for miles along the front lines. But it was short-lived. 

    At the Saviour’s birth the heavenly host proclaimed: “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace to men of goodwill.” During the truce, soldiers showed goodwill, unlike their leaders, and were blessed with God’s peace for a brief time.

    Claudio Ceolin,


    Undue publicity

    Re: No more abuse (Letters to the Editor, Dec. 22):

    I echo the views expressed by Theresa Hum. I myself was wondering whether The Catholic Register is spearheading a crusade against the Church by highlighting and giving undue publicity to incidents of abuse by Church dignitaries a long time past. 

    Most of the named perpetrators of these alleged crimes are dead and gone and would not be able to testify in any trial.