Readers Speak Out: February 23, 2020
February 20, 2020
Indigenous anger
How Canada responds to the anger of the Wet’suwet’en community and other Indigenous groups may establish a precedent for how we approach the problem of racism at large.
One Indigenous protester told the media that “reconciliation is dead” and Indigenous groups will “shut Canada down” until its demands are met. Their anger is justified even if their methods are not.
The blockading of railway lines is dangerous and represents a kind of social terrorism. But the Supreme Court ruling in favour of a pipeline across Indigenous land is another attack upon a minority’s autonomy. The Prime Minister must speak to these communities and reverse the indignities and deprivation they suffer. We must affirm as law the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. History shows the failure to listen and foster respect paves the way for insurgencies and civil unrest.
Christopher Mansour,
Barrie, Ont.
71 happy years
Re: Team Heron (Feb. 9):
I enjoyed reading the article about the Herons of Ajax and their 71-year marriage.
My wife Delores and I celebrated 71 years as husband and wife on Feb. 19. Unfortunately, Delores is now in a long-term care facility. She still knows me but her memory of recent events is quickly fading.
We have attended St. Mary’s here in Collingwood for almost 30 years. We both grew up in the Toronto area and we raised five children and have eight grandchildren and two great grandsons.
We retired early, both loved golf and travelled extensively to many far-off places. It is somewhat lonely at this stage but we have the happy memories of a life well lived.
Jim Marshall,
Collingwood, Ont.
Saints and martyrs
Re: Homeschooling mom fills in gap on martyrs (Jan. 19):
I wish to congratulate Bonnie Way on the publication of her book on North American saints and martyrs. But it makes me think that perhaps the divide between East and West is real.
There was an illustrated activity book on the saints and martyrs circulated in our Catholic schools here (in Toronto). The students loved it and the religious history and information was good.
However, some liberal activists complained about the content and the book was withdrawn from classes. Now the same group has posted the rainbow flag outside the classroom.
What is happening in our Catholic schools?
A. E. Hughes-Hall,
Slippery slope
Re: Emergency brakes for slippery slope (Jan. 19):
Charles Lewis’ article on assisted suicide should be considered as a warning of the ominous future that awaits the elderly and the chronically ill in Canada.
The federal government argues that assisted suicide will ease the trauma of the terminally ill and their family of caregivers, but I wonder how much this sympathy is a guise for the savings on the costs of palliative care. The economic effect on government finances cannot be ignored.
From an accounting point of view, assisted suicide appears to be the favourable choice, but only until what Mr. Lewis calls “the slippery slope” effect kicks in. Then assisted suicide will morph into the horror of the uncontrolled murder that now defines the reality of Canada’s abortion policies and become part of our social norms.
J.E. Sequeira,
Pointe Claire, Que.