Readers Speak Out: March 1, 2020
February 27, 2020
Compassionate care
As we face growing threats to the vulnerable with the extension of MAiD, Fr. Scott Lewis’ reminder that “survival depends on loving our neighbour” is timely.
Our out-of-touch government saw no need to appeal the Quebec superior court decision that brought about the current rush for expansion (of assisted suicide). Voters of faith need to start demanding “compassionate” social policies that enrich the lives of all Canadians who face problems exacerbated by a culture of individualism and isolationism that seemingly forgets the benefits of family and community support in problem solving.
Canadians can find common ground on the idea of compassionate communities that offer meaningful support for mothers and excellent palliative care for the sick and elderly.
Developing a social policy that supports the life and well-being of neighbourhoods and families offers a rich perspective for finding solutions for most problems, including those facing the poor, the infirm, the elderly, the unborn, refugees, the homeless and the Indigenous.
Compassionate policies that empower people to assume some responsibility of caring for one another, especially the most vulnerable, would offer a new and powerful vision that could help unite us in this polarized world.
Mary Theresa Murphy,
Oakville, Ont.
Inspirational story
Re: Remarkable journey from slave to saint (Feb. 9):
Thanks to Fr. de Souza for his article on St. Jospehine Bakhita.
What an inspirational story to persevere despite the darkness — confident that goodness ultimately triumphs.
Larry Lynch,
Edmonton, Alta.
Drop-out centres
Re: Hospice stands tall (Feb. 2):
As a 10-year resident in a private seniors residence in Ontario I’ve had lots of time and opportunity to observe oldies in their last years, including my own dear 90-year-old dying husband. He and I chose assisted dying (for him) as he suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
If your readers and others saw him as I did, bleeding heavily from several orifices, they might understand the reason to choose a lethal injection. We had agreed years before that such a choice would be supported by the other. The hospital offered him the choice.
If operators and workers in hospices and in hospitals want to use their own conscience, by all means do so, but not against the wishes of the patients which they serve. The staff has the option to leave their job.
We are living longer than ever, and some of us are ready to go without further lifesaving. If youth can have drop-in centres, we oldies should have drop-out centres.
Helen Sinfield Hansen,
Guelph, Ont.
Save the Amazon
Re: Querida Amazonia (Feb. 23):
On this beautiful day I reached for my Catholic Register and saw on the cover the Pope greeting two Indigenous people from the Amazon.
There were several articles about Querida Amazonia, the exhortation Pope Francis has written following last October’s synod of bishops. In it he dreams four dreams about the future of the region that has suffered devastating environmental destruction.
We must restore the region to its natural beauty and make it a good home again for those who live there. It is an exciting way to start the day, with hope for a world in turmoil, needing love and prayers.
Virginia Edman,