Written on my Heart by Michael Swan
March 11, 2020
Catholic Register Bookstore
Written on my Heart
By Michael Swan
“Michael Swan has taken ten familiar prayers that he uses in his own daily prayer ritual and offers a deeply personal book that most everyone will nonetheless be able to relate to in some aspect. Using history, tradition, scripture and storytelling, each prayer is given as a passionate spirit of devotion, not as a prescription. In his own words, 'to memorize a prayer is to love it.' The title Written on my Heart is apt.”
—Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI, a theologian, teacher and award-winning author
Canadian orders: 80 pages / Paperback / $11.95 + $5.00 shipping / ISBN 978-1-62785-51-7-4 / Published by Novalis Publishing Inc.
US orders: 80 pages / Paperback / $11.95 + $8.00 shipping / ISBN 978-1-62785-51-7-4 / Published by Novalis Publishing Inc.
International orders: 80 pages / Paperback / $11.95 + $12.00 shipping / ISBN 978-1-62785-51-7-4 / Published by Novalis Publishing Inc.
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Catholic Register Bookstore