The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: March 22, 2019

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

March 19, 2020


    The coronavirus is dominating world news, shaking all kinds of human activities and becoming a hysteria rarely seen. The fear of it might be called coronaphobia, and it could be more dangerous than the virus itself.

    There is legitimate concern, but there is also a disturbing hype that we must be careful to avoid.

    The coronavirus demonstrates the fragility and vulnerability of the modern, selfish, isolated life, a life without God. Lent is the right time to rely on God, who can control the world and whom the world can trust.

    Mile Pletikosa,

    Scarborough, Ont.

    All about power

    As a long-distance admirer of Jean Vanier, I along with the many have been saddened and angered to learn of the L’Arche International report. Kudos to L’Arche.

    I was first introduced to Vanier’s writings through a hospital chaplain when I was a high school volunteer. I’m sure that some of what became material for my valedictory a few years later had much of Vanier’s influence, if not many of his words.

    As a survivor of sexual abuse — some of which occurred in the context of my being an active member within the Catholic faith community — I found myself reeling yet again. Being reminded of sexual abuse within the context of a spiritual direction or faith guidance circumstance is always awful.

    I realized many years ago that sexual abuse has essentially nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power.

    Karenanne Joy Krofchek,

    Regina, Sask.

    Vanier labelled

    I have read with great sadness the articles by Michael Swan, Glen Argan and Charles Lewis regarding the indiscretions of Jean Vanier.

    Do I believe that he had sexual relations with six women who accused him of abuse? Yes. Do I believe the women were abused? No.

    Why did the women wait 35 years? Why did they wait until he was dead and unable to defend himself?

    What really bothers me is that in a flash Jean Vanier has been labelled “immoral,” “bad,” “sinful,” “awful.” What about the man who gave his life to lift up the unwanted, abandoned, unloved, discarded, and the man who did what Jesus taught: Love your neighbour as yourself?

    Let us leave it to the only one who can judge him, and that one is God.

    Joyce de Gannes,


    Needed change?

    Re: Assisted suicide policies under fire (Mar. 8):

    Angelina Ireland, director of the Board of Delta Hospice Society, gave a brilliant summary of the issue facing Canadian hospice providers at a conference in Cleveland, Ohio. The slope is slippery and we are all on it.

    On the B.C. government website, Minister of Health Adrian Dix, who is forcing the closure of Delta Hospice Society because the board has refused to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide on site, is described as someone who “consistently raised awareness of key issues and forced needed change.”

    I guess killing seniors in hospice centres is the “needed change” required by the political elite today. Why is that?

    Helen Kay,

    Belleville Ont.