Providence hit by virus outbreak
April 9, 2020
A significant outbreak of COVID-19 has infected 11 residents at the Cardinal Ambrozic Houses of Providence — the long-term care wing of Providence hospital in Toronto.
“We know this is a distressing time for everyone and we are communicating with our residents and their loved ones regularly,” spokesperson Jennifer Stranges told The Catholic Register. “We are continually evaluating the measures we have in place and implementing additional precautions as necessary to contain this and keep people safe.”
All 11 infections have occurred on the first floor of the east Toronto facility, which is a part of Unity Health, along with St. Joseph’s Health Centre and St. Michael’s Hospital.
Julie Conlon’s mother is a resident at Providence on a floor not affected by the outbreak. She said Providence has been communicating very well with her family and sharing steps being taken to contain the spread of the virus.
These include a total lockdown on the first floor, severe restrictions of movement within the facility, taking the temperature of residents three times daily and providing families the option of removing the resident. Conlon said that is not an option for her mother.
All was quiet outside the rehabilitation hospital and long-term care facility on April 6. Signs had been posted advising family and visitors they would not be admitted.
“There will be limited exceptions, including patients who are at end-of-life, critically ill, pediatric patients or women in labour or delivery,” said the sign on the door.
A nurse screening visitors just inside the front doors pointed out Providence was in the same situation that is affecting other hospitals and long-term care facilities in Ontario.
“Every health facility has at least one case,” she said.
Between Jan. 15 and April 5 there had been 46 confirmed outbreaks at long-term care homes across the province. A total of 745 patients infected with COVID-19 reside at long-term care homes, according to an April 6 Ontario Ministry of Health update.
Ten hospitals have also had outbreaks, for a total of 89 individual cases. A single case constitutes an outbreak in health care facilities. In long-term care homes, 456 cases have been residents with 280 among staff. There have been 56 long-term care home deaths.