The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: April 19, 2020

Catholic Register Staff

April 16, 2020

    Long-term pain

    Re: A chance for change in post-virus world (March 29):

    This article hits many truths. Too many people have wanted too much too fast — expensive cars and houses, for example.

    And this is compounded by the sad fact that sending and making so many goods in China is doing away with valuable Canadian jobs.

    So how can we expect to pay taxes to support so many in need? We keep shooting ourselves in the foot. Short-term gain for long-term pain.

    Will we smarten up? As Charles Lewis says, “We may realize that we need far less than what we have now and end up happier and at peace.”

    Andrew Henderson,

    Niagara Falls, Ont.

    Understanding abuse

    I am always perplexed by others who are appalled at the sexual abuse cases within the Catholic Church and, more recently, the allegations of sexual, emotional and spiritual abuse by Jean Vanier. Most become incensed and wonder why abuse victims wait so long to tell their tale.

    Dr. Nuala Kenny gives insight in her book Still Unhealed. It takes males at least 25 years and females at least 18 years before they can even acknowledge the abuse. Why? Because the profound shock and shame — physically, emotionally, psychologically — is like being hit by a truck. The rebound takes years, if ever it can occur.  

    Children carry all this pain and secrecy to adulthood at great consequence to their quality of living, trust in relationships and sexual expression with partners. They carry an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

    Dr. Kenny certainly has pegged the problem in our Catholic homes and communities and in the Church at large.

    Rose Galbraith,

    Hamilton, Ont.

    Political bias

    In the March 15 issue Bob Brehl is allowed to take another ridiculous swipe at Donald Trump. Maybe he should read The Catholic Register instead of watching CNN.

    Cathy Majtenyi seems to believe that Queen Elizabeth, our hereditary chief, should be able to overrule Parliament, our elected chiefs.

    The Register needs to get it’s political bias under control.

    William Hazlitt,


    Double standard

    Neither the United Nations nor the World Health Organization have organized a summit of world virus experts to make a world plan to stop COVID-19 as soon as possible.

    The world is in a war with no weapons. The pandemic is ruining countries, economies, societies and it is isolating individuals and rooting out lukewarm faith.

    We are seeing a rise in panic — layoff panic, bills panic, mortgage panic, suicide panic, family panic. Yet Canadians are allowed to use the subway, streetcars and buses to go to work, stores, banks … but not to churches to receive the Eucharist.

    Is that not a double standard?

    Mile Pletikosa,

    Scarborough, Ont.