The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: June 14, 2020

Catholic Register Staff

June 11, 2020

    Beautiful sculpture

    Re: Jesus 2020: A clay model for our times (April 26):

    Thank you Timothy Schmalz for the most incredibly beautiful sculpture I have ever seen. I was physically and emotionally moved, as I turned to Page 6 in The Catholic Register and saw how you captured our Most Holy Lord in such beautiful movement. 

    Christ is always on the move in our lives, giving us everlasting hope, mercy, faith, love and kindness. His hands were guiding your hands with every pressure of your finger on the clay. 

    You showed His immense and unfathomable power and strength, as He holds the world to His gift of eternal life. The beautiful fetus at its centre is our humanity. 

    You are showing the world just how much God truly loves and cares for us all. Thank you, you faith-filled servant of God.

    Mary-Ellen Ziola,

    Utterson, Ont.

    Keep perspective

    Re: Planet’s urgent cry rings loud and clear (May 24):

    In providing the warm tribute to Laudato Si’, we must keep our perspective and be alert to the safety of our Church.

    Under Pope Francis we have seen the gutting of the St. John Paul II’s the Pontifical Academy of Life and the Family in favour of the environment; Catholics in China sold out by the Vatican to the communist government, placing devout Chinese Catholics in danger; the signing of the Abu Dhabi Declaration degrading Catholicism to be just one of many religion options; Pope Francis’ affiliations with population-control leaders and his, and the Jesuit order’s, acceptance of abortionist leaders in favour of the environment, globalism, one government and one (non-Catholic) religion.

    “Truly, COVID-19 has made clear how deeply we are all interconnected and interdependent.” Agreed.  But could it really be just another instance of God telling man that we have strayed and that we don’t need population control and we don’t need the worship of mother Earth at the expense of life and the family and the bringing of the Trinity and Our Blessed Mother to all human beings so that they can ultimately get to Heaven.

    John J.F. Killackey,

    Mississauga, Ont.

    Saintly reminder

    I am a regular viewer of the Daily TV Mass and I consider it a great blessing to be able to watch it.

    During May we had some excellent homilies from the priests who said the Masses but not one of them made any mention of the saint or event ascribed for each day. During May, we had some notable saints: Pius V, Athanasius, Philip, James, Pancras, Mathias, Eugene de Mazenod, Bede, Mary Magdalene and Philip Neri. There were also the feasts of St. Joseph the Worker, Our Lady of Fatima and The Visitation.

    I believe the Church has earmarked certain dates to commemorate the saints or important events. It would be good if the priests who say the Masses could say a word or two about the saint or event commemorated on that  particular day.

    Benedict Thomas,

    Scarborough, Ont.

    Rights rejected

    Re: Dolan blasted for Trump comments (May 10):

    I think the Church in Canada has far more important problems to deal with than Dolan’s and Trump’s mutually laudatory comments.

    How many of us Liberal Party members are aware that Justin Trudeau, at the stroke of a pen, abrogated our constitutional rights to freedom of worship? As a member of the Liberal Party I cannot stand for election to Parliament unless I abjure my faith and agree to promote abortion.

    Has a Papal Bull been issued that I am not aware of, not of excommunication but of accommodation, absolving Catholic Liberal MPs from observing the fifth commandment: Thou shall not kill?

    J.E. Sequeira,

    Pointe Claire, Que.