The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: September 3, 2020

Catholic Register Staff

September 3, 2020

    Support for priest

    In a recent edition The Catholic Register reported that Fr. Nino Cavoto, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Toronto, has been removed from ministry following the Archdiocese of Toronto receiving an allegation that he had abused a minor while serving at a parish in the New York archdiocese between 1979 and 1983.

    This news undoubtedly came as a shock to the many who have known Fr. Cavoto as a good man and wonderful priest throughout his many years in ministry. Fr. Cavoto is grateful for the overwhelming support he has received since the announcement.

    The removal from ministry was pursuant to the Toronto archdiocesan “Prodecure for Cases of Alleged Misconduct” which mandates immediate removal and in advance of the commencement of the investigation to follow.

    It is important for readers to know that some allegations of misconduct which are brought forward are, following thorough investigation, found to be false and unsubstantiated. This unfortunate reality does great harm to the reputation and good name of the accused priest and further is disrespectful to the genuine victims of abuse.

    Fr. Cavoto denies the alleged or any misconduct. He will be co-operating in the investigation and is confident that it will show no wrongdoing on his part.

    James E. Doyle,

    Lawyer for Fr. Cavoto,

    Campbellford, Ont.

    Rights champion

    I want to commend you for your excellent and appropriate editorial on John Hume (Aug. 16). Having lived in the Ireland of the 1960s and 1970s, it is still hard to reflect on those dark days. 

    The American civil rights movement was essentially the forerunner of the Northern Ireland civil rights movement. In this respect it is sad but somewhat touching that John Hume passed away just two weeks after that other champion of civil rights and reconciliation, John Lewis.

    Very few recall that in the early 1970s, ironically, Lebanon was considered a model to which Northern Ireland might aspire. By 1975, Lebanon was in the throes of civil war and Northern Ireland had just discarded its own effort at reconciliation — the Sunningdale Accord (1974). Another decade of bombing and shooting ensued before a second effort at reconciliation — the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) which immediately faltered. After another 13 years of chaos and crisis the Good Friday Agreement (1998) was signed. 

    One can just imagine the absolute frustration for someone like John Hume who lived through all of this, but whose perseverance eventually led Northern Ireland to where it is today.

    Gerard Walsh,

    Port Elgin, Ont.

    Inspiring story

    Re: “The story of my brother’s death (Aug. 2-9):

    Bishop Thomas Dowd is to be thanked for the inspiring story of his brother Chris who died from ALS and the courageous and faith-filled way that he faced his illness with all its almost overwhelming physical symptoms.

    For those who advocate for an early death from euthanasia/MAiD in ALS and similar progressive neurologic diseases, Chris Dowd showed how life can be lived to its fullness to the end.

    A word of correction, however, in the comments about morphine. Used appropriately, morphine does not shorten life. Some drowsiness can occur but used in a pump, as in this situation, allows the dose to be adjusted to obtain the relief from pain or breathlessness while seeking to minimize side effects.

    Anthony Kerigan,

    Dundas, Ont.