Readers Speak Out: November 1, 2020
October 29, 2020
Democrat posturing
Stan Swamy is an 83-year-old Jesuit priest and for the past 30 or more years has helped the poorest of the poor to exercise their human rights, for which he has now been accused of being a terrorist by Narendra Modi’s BJP government and is now languishing in jail.
Mr. Modi boasts of India being the biggest democracy in the world, which is true if one considers that dropping one’s vote in a ballot box once every four or five years is the essence of a democratic polity. What Modi does not ascribe to are the foundational pillars of democracy — freedoms of free speech, religious belief and an independent judicial system. His posturing as a democrat is a facade to obscure his true intent which is to turn India into a predominantly fundamentalist Hindu state.
The glacial pace of the judicial processes in India when combined with Modi’s fundamentalist followers occupying the commanding heights of the supreme courts has made it possible for him to worm his way around true democratic judicial systems and deny the accused their personal freedom for 10 years or more without due process.
I certainly hope this letter urges all readers to publicize the persecution of the Catholic Church in India and say a prayer for its fearless victims like Fr. Swamy.
J.E. Sequeira,
Pointe Claire, Que.
Obvious evil
Re: Pope Francis calls for civil unions for same-sex couples in documentary:
His Holiness’ endorsement of same-sex marriage, albeit in a civil form, is greatly disturbing. The Doctrine of Infallibility holds that the Pope, our supreme master in the faith under God’s hand most directly, cannot err when he instructs, advises or interprets Godly morals. Pope Francis preaches wonderfully when he asks us all to stop mistreating the LGBTQ community.
But we cannot overlook the evils of homosexuality either, not when St. Paul says in The Letter to the Romans, “Males did shameful things with males” and “received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.” Yes, the Pope condemns same-sex marriage as an “anthropological regression.” But to downplay the obvious evil to flatter someone’s ego ultimately harms souls.
Christopher Mansour,
Barrie, Ont.
Fitting tribute
Re: Editorial: A lasting legacy (Oct. 18):
I have been working with the Sisters of St. Joseph for about 20 years now and was so pleased to read this wonderful tribute. This article really sets a wonderful tone for the beginning of their 170th anniversary year. The sisters continue to contribute to the betterment of our communities in so many fantastic ways. Their Ministry for Social Justice, Peace and Creation Care works to implement their vision of a society transformed by Gospel values. During this time of pandemic, the sisters continue to look for ways to care for their neighbours and our common home.
Thank you for so beautifully acknowledging their legacy.
Vickie McNally,
Administrator, CSJ Ministries
Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto,
Required reading
Re: Letter to the Editor from Stephen K. Roney (Sept. 27):
I quote from the above letter: “Canada is not a racist country. … The Canadian system and society has developed to ensure equality and prevent discrimination. Our constitution prohibits laws that discriminate. Our federal system allows minorities to be self-governing.” Mr. Roney needs to read the Indian Act, still in effect to this day.
Sharon Low,
Kakabeka Falls, Ont.