The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: December 6, 2020

Catholic Register Staff

December 3, 2020

    Thin disguise

    It is so hard to understand how so many educated, God- loving people actually accept the lies poured out by Donald Trump (DT). DT looks for the hot topics that push people’s buttons i.e. abortion, then promotes his supposed stance on that topic for one solitary reason, to garner and stay in power. He does not care about abortion personally one way or another, but if saying he is against it garners him some votes he is against it. The devil comes under many disguises but when it comes to DT his disguise is very thinly veiled.

    Arnie Gable,

    Edmonton, Alta.

    Tragic result

    Considering all the scandal surrounding not only Democrats but even Joe Biden’s family as well, a Biden victory in the U.S. election is a tragedy of immense proportions.

    Even worse, all the gains made in favour of pro-lifers will be quickly aborted (pun intended). Not to mention the case against the Little Sisters of the Poor which would be re-instated under the Democrats. Donald Trump has uplifted so many people who previously had been held down, all people of faith and even people of colour, evidenced by many of the younger generation of African Americans who have come out in support of President Trump.

     It is a tragedy that many of the misinformed have slanted opinions against President Trump for superficial reasons and do not consider all the amazing successes he has achieved, which have earned him at least three nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the Middle East.

    Anne Smyth,

    Scarborough, Ont.

    Persecuted trustee

    In your “News and Notes” section, you reported an article from Pew Research which stated:

    “Christian Persecution: Christians top the list for countries where they face either governmental or social hostility.” Ironically, just above this news was a piece about the Toronto Catholic District School Board trustee, Michael Del Grande, who is being “censured and placed on sanctions” and will have to undergo “equity training” because he dared to stand up to those who seek to undermine the tenets of Catholic teaching. This Christian is being reprimanded, humiliated and “persecuted” because he embraces Catholic doctrine, upholds Catholic values and takes seriously his mission to serve Catholic families.

    This bullying is reprehensible coming from Catholic trustees who have sworn to protect and nurture our children. My question is: if the TCDSB truly believes in its motto “Transforming the world through witness, faith, and action” then why does it allow this “social hostility” towards Mr. Del Grande?

    Anne-Marie Manna,


    Clever cheat

    Re: Conscience changes world for better (Nov. 22):

    I would like to strongly object to the statement about Pope St. John Paul playing a role in the cover-up of sexual abuse of minors and adults. The Vatican report mentions Pope John Paul’s name at least twice. First on page 165: “Pope John Paul II’s initial decision against the transfer of McCarrick to Washington (July 2000).” Then on page 169 and following pages describing the letter of McCarrick to Bishop Stanisław Dziwisz. The letter was handed directly to the pope, who became “convinced  of  the  truth” of  McCarrick’s  denial.

    So, Pope St. John Paul II was in fact cheated by clever McCarrick. The first real accusation against McCarrick of sexual abuse was reported in June 2017, 12 years after the death of Pope St. John Paul II.

    Stanisław Skonieczny,
