The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: January 17, 2021

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

January 14, 2021

    Move ahead

    Re: Editorial (Dec. 13):

    Strange how our current political leaders can keep trying to ram through dubious legislation such as Bills C-7 and C-6 to hasten more suicides and threaten parents, yet this long-awaited bill to bring Canadian law in line with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People continues to face more long delays, and another three years to simply “create a plan” to align the law with the rights passed by the UN 13 years ago. 

    Shameful! And yes, move Bill C-15 forward.

    Jennifer Khan,

    Vaughan, Ont.

    Protect life

    I am disappointed that in a Catholic publication, protecting human life in the womb does not lead the list, let alone warrant a mention, in this “Hope for 2021” editorial (Dec. 27). 

    As St. Mother Teresa of Kolkata said: “the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder” of the unborn.

    Ricardo DiCecca,

    Burlington, Ont.

    Family matters

    Re: Time to revive the nuclear family (Dec. 20):

    Much thanks to Sr. Helena Burns for her courage and conviction in drawing our attention to the often fragile but always fundamental nucleus of society.

    As we gaze upon the Holy Family this year, may Mary’s fruitful virginity, together with Joseph’s fostering of the Christ Child, plant in us a seed of hope during our pandemic progress.

    Marc Giampietri,

    Sarnia, Ont.

    Negligent acts

    Re: Five years in, reconciliation moves slowly (Dec. 27):

    It must have looked impressive to PR types back in 2016 when Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau hauled water jugs for locals during his visit to Shoal Lake 40 First Nation in Manitoba. There was a kind of an “I’m-with-you” expression of solidarity for suffering people that looks great for publicity, but ultimately is as insincere as the clichéd politician’s kiss on the baby’s cheek. This is the same leader who once vowed to lift all remaining boil-water advisories among Canada’s First Nations communities as a 2015 campaign promise.

    People usually take these vows seriously.

    Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller can blame himself as much as he likes for the government’s neglect of First Nations’ communities but blame lies squarely on our prime minister, who gave no indication when Indigenous water systems would be brought up to proper standards. The malice and indifference we visit on Indigenous peoples ought to be termed “criminal negligence.”

    Christopher Mansour,

    Barrie, Ont.

    Home remedy

    My wife and I have solved the problem of Mass attendance during the shutdowns. We find a Mass online (there are lots).

    We bring our own bread and wine and at the consecration we join and do as Jesus instructed all of His disciples at the time; we hold the bread and wine and consecrate it with the priest. 

    He said “when two or more are present in my name, I am there.”  We take the Lord at His word and He is with us. 

    Gene Swain,

    Calgary, Alta.