The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: January 24, 2021

Catholic Register Staff

January 21, 2021

    Papal prophecies

    Re: Biden poses issues for U.S. bishops (Jan. 17):

    Following Michael Swan’s interesting article related to the challenge for U.S. bishops, I’m suggesting to look closer to prophetic statements from two great popes:

    1. St. John Paul II’s prophecy of the coming “civilization of death,” mainly related to abortion and euthanasia.
    2. Pope Emeritus Benedict’s prophecy related to “worldwide dictatorship of seemingly humanist ideology.” He also said “Modern society is in the process of formulating an anti-Christian creed and resisting this creed is punished by social excommunication” (Catholic Register, May 10, 2020).

    The above prophetic statements are happening at high speed around the world and we need more reflections on this subject.

    Andrew Baczynski,

    Georgetown, Ont.

    Hostile media

    Kudos to Sr. Helena Burns, fsp, for her article “Making the most of your news I.Q.”

    She states that “obfuscation can be a technique to make us give up on ever being able to uncover truth. … It is crucial to have a variety of news sources besides MSM (mainstream media).”

    The mass media has the legitimate right and responsibility to shine the light on practices which may be objectionable, however, it does not have the right to decide it is objectionable for one but not for others. The selectivity of the MSM continues to neglect the Right to Life marches, and has a blatant bias towards the most pro-life president in U.S. history. Why? The answer lies in the fact that over 85 per cent of MSM is blatantly hostile towards Christianity, especially Catholics.

    Our children are being inundated with news that strives to banish and obliterate the Christian voice. In summary, she advises that “we need news from trusted Catholic entities” which give a Catholic perspective, and only then can the “wickedness be exposed.” We should do this now, more than ever, for our children and grandchildren’s sake.

    Anne Marie Manna-Peter,


    Evil spirit

    President-elect Joe Biden’s refusal to prosecute Donald Trump for his many crimes sends the message that the rule of law has failed America. America is already at war with the evil spirit of ignorance, wantonness, racism and selfishness. The mobs that swarmed the Capitol and attacked the White House include armed groups who placed undetonated bombs outside the headquarters of the two major political parties. To ignore Mr. Trump’s fomenting violence by decrying the findings of the Electoral College is to ignore his own treasonous actions as well as those of the attacking mob.  

    The chaos in Washington proved that America neither resolved the race issue nor the ghosts of its hateful past. It falls to Biden to exorcise this “demon” that haunts America’s soul; this ignorance, narcissism and militancy embraced by the nation’s very worst. 

    Christopher Mansour,

    Barrie, Ont.

    Priest’s domain

    This pertains to the letter “Home remedy” … don’t agree!

    The bread and wine has to be consecrated by a priest only. Consuming bread and wine at home as communion during the live-stream Mass does not make it the actual Body and Blood of Christ. 

    Our churches now have communion services every Sunday, so there is no problem going to church to receive communion. I’m sure there must be some way to receive communion during this pandemic in other provinces, too.

    Antoinette David,

    Scarborough, Ont.