The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: March 7, 2021

Catholic Register Staff

March 4, 2021

    Open doors

    Re: Woman granted voting rights for bishops’ synod (Feb. 14):

    After reading the article concerning the appointment of Sr. Nathalie Becquart to the general secretariat of the synod of bishops, it made me think of Jennie Trout and Emily Stowe, the first female physicians in Canada, some 140 years ago, and the suffragist movement which very gradually gave the vote to women in Canada.

    The suffragettes suffered for their boldness, but in 1929 women were legally recognized as “persons” in Canada. I suppose this appointment can be looked upon as one of these moments where women are finally “permitted” (not legislated) by the powers that be to participate in decision-making with voting privileges at the highest echelon of the Catholic Church. Finally, we are seeing Galatians 3:28 being read and understood — “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”

    There are still countries where women make very few decisions outside the home. After 2,000 years of people hearing the Christian message, I think it is time to open wide the Church doors to Catholic Christian women where they will finally be treated as equals in intelligence, religious knowledge and, especially, in representation, in deciding how the Church will be and evolve in the coming years.

    Gerald M. Grundy,

    Kitchener, Ont.

    Words matter

    Re: Bill C-7:

    Lets not be fooled by the use of words like assisted dying; we are talking about killing human beings.

    As Cardinal Collins has pointed out, the government of  Canada in its discussions on Bill C-7 used the words “lethal injection” to gloss over what it was that they were legalizing. It’s an example of making  something, otherwise horrid and objectionable, acceptable by calling it by another name.

    Words matter and we as Roman Catholics must be careful that our failure to call actions by their proper name may not be considered a condoning of the action. St. Thomas More went to his death, not for speaking against the king’s actions, but for his refusal to condone them.

    There are very few voices of reason and truth in today’s media. Please keep The Catholic Register as one of those voices that speak the truth to a society much in need of it. Speaking truth to power is not just a slogan it is the foremost right and responsibility of requirement of the media.

    Cy Abbass,

    Thornhill, Ont.

    Far right?

    Re: There’s more to Alberta than oil (Feb. 21):

    Columnist Glen Argan must be loved by the left wing political people with his anti-Alberta government (Jason Kenny) rants. How can efforts to keep businesses operating and trying to help people stay employed, sending children to school and allowing places of worship to open with guidelines, be considered far-right ideologies?

    Bob Kruchten,

    Red Deer, Alta.

    Still in charge

    Re: Rainbow offers sign of God’s promise (Feb. 14):

    I found these words of Fr. Scott Lewis prophetic: “God was wrenching control of the Earth from the hands of the power-hungry, the unjust and the idolatrous. Specifically targeted were those who claimed divine honours and privileges for themselves. God was now in charge.” Since Christ’s work continues to this day, should it be written in the present tense?

    Rufino Ty,

    Brampton, Ont.