Readers Speak Out: May 30, 2021
May 27, 2021
Worthy fight
RE: Lindsay Shepherd carries on fight for free speech (May 11):
Ms. Shepherd innocently “fell into” her situation at Wilfred Laurier University. Her mother suggested recording the meeting that she had been mysteriously called to by her supervisors. Otherwise, Ms. Shepherd would have left the meeting feeling guilty of misdirecting students on gender ideology. Instead, she blew open for all to see one of the biggest crimes of our time.
Our post-secondary institutions are inflicting real damage on our students by closing their minds to inquiry. Restrictions on free speech are damaging our political parties and process and, in turn, our ability to govern our country for the benefit all Canadians. Free speech is everything for a free country and it is being attacked in Canada in the name of ideological conformity. Ms. Shepherd’s mother deserves credit. She has shown us what to do. Lindsay is carrying on with the work. And now, it is up to us to carry the torch of free speech and help our students if we place any value at all our own freedom.
John J.F. Killackey,
Mississauga, Ont.
Missing the mark
Two headlines ran recently in your publication, both of which linked to good, factual reporting — but the headlines themselves cast the subject matter in a dubious light.
“Hundreds ignore restrictions to join March for Life” (at, suggests, firstly, that all participants in the March for Life ideologically oppose public-health orders surrounding COVID-19. Pro-lifers across Canada hold various positions on pandemic measures; nevertheless abortion has been deemed an “essential service” during the ongoing lockdowns. If anything this intensifies the necessity of a pro-life presence that does not sit at home.
The second implication is that the March itself had been prohibited by law enforcement, but went ahead anyway. The March for Life occurred with the consent and presence of the Ottawa police, and the right to demonstration — even in the midst of a pandemic — has been supported by Prime Minister Trudeau.
“Pride flag to fly at schools” (May 16), to the contrary, is disquietingly unbiased. The observations here contain none of the suggestive rhetoric of the previous headline, whereas this is certainly a situation where bias — Catholic bias — is called for. Perhaps “Catholic trustees ignore Catholic teaching, vote to fly pride flags in schools” would have brought more light to the spiritual coagulation in our separate school board. The story here is that Catholic trustees disregarded the call of their bishop.
Matthew Wojciechowski,
VP, Campaign Life Coalition
Moving service
The Good Friday service of Daily TV Mass (Vision TV) was the most profound and moving spiritual experience of my entire life (79 years). The presentation by Fr. Pat Fitzpatrick completely pulled me into Christ’s suffering and crucifixion — to the point of tears. Fr. Pat’s voice and words, the pictures and artifacts used, spoke directly to my heart and soul. I felt like I was right there.
Thank you to Vision TV, Fr. Patrick and the entire team who brought this very moving and spiritual program together. May God bless you all.
Jane C. Marsh,
Fort Saskatchewan, Alta.