By Unknown
May 30, 2021
OTTAWA -- As Canadians continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of what happens after the global community recovers from COVID’s impact remains unanswered.
There is much talk of “The Great Reset.” Environmentalists and social justice organizations see an opportunity ready to be seized. Environmentalists see a chance for a quick conversion to a “green” energy future while social justice groups see an opportunity to wipe clean debt accumulated by poorer nations.
Dennis Caro, however, believes a post-COVID future needs to embrace Christian principles to lead the way to a better future.
Caro, a Catholic author and University of Ottawa professor emeritus, in a new book looks at the challenges facing 12 key nations and influencer nations such as Canada as they face common humanitarian threats to the planet’s future.
In Transforming Nations after the COVID-19 Pandemic: Humanitarian and Planetary Systems Perspectives (published by Springer International Publishing at, Caro says that the principles at the root of Christian and Catholic philosophy can and should guide humanity forward.
“It is all there in Christian and Catholic teaching and principles, the need to work together and act as one for the common good,” said Caro, who was awarded the University of Ottawa’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2000.
“That is part of my faith, it is what Catholics and Christians believe, that we must always work towards the common good.”
And Caro, who embraces his Catholic faith as a vital aspect of who he is as a person, says the global pandemic has shown that only by working together will a better future evolve.
“The COVID-19 pandemic compels deep reflection on the human condition,” he said of why he wrote about the need to “transform” after COVID.
In an overview, Caro writes“the themes underscore the importance of preventing humanitarian problems, being prepared for new threats and challenges and never losing sight of the common human values around the world.”
“The importance of mutual dialogue and understanding between peoples around the world remains essential,” he said.
“The collective future depends on working together to prevent, mitigate and resolve pending international challenges. The book suggests concrete ways to build stronger nations and a more stable and harmonious world community. None of these solutions are easy or quick fixes to persistent problems.”
He goes on to say that “the importance of caring, courage and hope in the face of humanitarian obstacles (is) a clarion call to world youth to assume the challenges of the future with courage, ingenuity, determination and resolve.”
The response to the pandemic and the sharing of information shows it can be done, he said.
“You can see how sharing information together was very important as COVID spread, how countries like the United States and China have to put common interests ahead of purely individual needs,” Caro said.