June 8, 2021
Step One of Ontario’s reopening plan is in effect as of June 11 and will see a return to worship services much like they were after earlier openings following pandemic lockdowns.
Parishioners can return to in-person Mass beginning the weekend of June 12-13 with strict distancing regulations in place and a maximum of 15-per-cent capacity in churches.
While the loosened restrictions allow for outdoor services with no capacity limits where distancing can be maintained, the Archdiocese of Toronto said indoor services are recommended.
“The celebration of the sacraments indoors is the preferred setting for liturgies in the Archdiocese of Toronto,” the archdiocese said in guidelines sent to parishes.
Parishes that wish to host outdoor services are asked to ensure distancing regulations are adhered to and masks must be worn when distancing can’t be maintained.
Current liturgical restrictions remain in place, for all services. These include suspension of the communal distribution of the Precious Blood, Communion distributed in the hand only, no physical contact during the sign of peace and any worship aids must be one-time use only to be disposed of after each service. Parishioners are also reminded to not gather or socialize before and after liturgies.