Readers Speak Out: October 3, 2021
September 30, 2021
Great deception
Re: Digging deep into ‘The Warning’ signs (Sr. Helena Burns, Sept. 19):
Secular observers note that the “present time” is experiencing “signs” of apocalyptic proportions: plague, pestilence, fire, flood, military defeat and economic turmoil. For Catholics these signs are augmented by distress over the scandal of the residential schools, the extension of MAiD and the juggernaut of the continuing sexual revolution.
It is easy to understand the appeal of private revelations, predicting an imminent Warning and mass illumination of conscience, as a way of negotiating a culture that has gone “bonkers.” But such a focus can lead to withdrawal into a devotional silo negating engagement with the world as it is. The great deception here is promotion of the heresy of the “faithful remnant” or the “true Church.”While zealous in prayer, penance and purity, the stalwarts can be suspicious of legitimate and competent authority both civil and ecclesiastical.
It also does a great disservice to Marian piety by reducing it to some type of trailer for a B horror movie. While the Virgin has a prophetic role she is essentially the Theotokos, whose presence brings the Incarnate Word into the messed up world. Her intercession is essential in experiencing that “Illumination of Conscience” needed by the individual sinner to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the correct disposition and a heart ready to repent.
Michael Chard,
Distorted belief
The article entitled “Best,worst of times --- “ authored by Peter Stockland (Sept. 12) made for an interesting read based as it was on abortion, which has become a burning political issue in Canada since the advent of the Trudeaus on the political scene
I do applaud the government for its compassionate approach in helping those looking to escape the chaos in Afghanistan but I certainly question this selective approach as no such magnanimity has ever been displayed towards the aborted considering that the death of the former may be highly probable but the latter certain.
How many Canadians realize that the death of the aborted is not delivered by a shotgun but by the unimaginable use of a surgeon’s knife to separate the fetus’ limb from limb to ease its extraction.
I agree that the trauma caused by the visuals might be emotionally upsetting for some viewers: on the other hand they are a powerful and convincing argument by the pro-life faction for a change in government policy.
“Islamic savagery” is a term coined to include the mass killings carried out by Islamic radicals in keeping with their distorted beliefs which shock us. Shouldn’t we be as shocked when our Christian belief of life beginning at conception with the creation of the immortal soul is as distorted in Canada?
J.E. Sequeira,
Pointe Claire, Que.
Bad source
Re: Mexican court strikes down abortion law (Sept. 19):
In News & Notes, we learn that the Supreme Court of Mexico has rejected a clause in its state constitution protecting human life from conception until death. The court says only the federal constitution can determine when life begins. In reality, there are three sources competent to determine when human life begins: science, logic and the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
No state or federal constitution anywhere has the necessary competence to make such a determination.
Lise Anglin,