Readers Speak Out: October 17, 2021
October 14, 2021
Contrition needed
I wondered why the Indigenous peoples had a lukewarm response to the Canadian bishops’ apology. Could the reason be that it was termed an “apology”?
An apology emphasizes on the reparation and restoration of the effects of what had been done or not done. The CCCB apology states: “The Catholic Bishops of Canada express our profound remorse and apologize unequivocally.” The subject matter is an offence against God. The Catholic hierarchy has its first accountability to God. It was in the name of God the religious communities got involved in the residential schools, that “the suppression of Indigenous languages, culture and spirituality” were exercised.
In this context, contrition is the more appropriate word. Contrition deals first with the cause before it addresses the effects. It is holistic and transformative. The Church teaches us to acknowledge our guilt before God and those we have offended or hurt. The bishops may have expressed their contrition privately to God but public contrition is in order, so Indigenous people can see the earnestness of it.
Rufino Ty,
Brampton, Ont.
Crown apology
If it is appropriate to ask Pope Francis to come to Canada and, representing the Catholic Church, apologize, why has almost nobody asked Queen Elizabeth, representing the Crown, to do the same?
PM Stephen Harper’s apology in 2008 is, in my opinion, equivalent to the Canadian bishops’ apologies.
I believe that the Crown is still The Defender of the Anglican Faith (since the time of Henry VIII who declared it to be so).
Also I understand the residential school issue involved Crown land, Crown schools, Crown policy of assimilation, Crown policy for finances, Crown policy for burials.
Gemma Neal,
Etobicoke, Ont.
Daily bliss
I have always been a devout Sunday Catholic and thought this was good enough. So I never understood my mother’s fervent devotion to the Daily TV Mass. So God decided to give me a primer.
As the saying goes, when one door closes, another opens and that became literal for me when on March 14, 2020 I went for the evening Mass at our church and found the doors shuttered. For the first time I watched the Sunday TV Mass and found myself captivated. I wanted more.
The blessings were immediate. I live alone but, pre-COVID, had an active social life. All that came to a crashing halt but loneliness was never an issue. How could that be when I had the Good Lord enter my life every single day?
And I learned an essential truth in these trying times: God cannot be peripheral to our lives but has to be central or our faith is superficial. The readings and homily provide a blueprint for the day and the music puts one in a state of blissful calm.
Thank you Deacon Mike, the priests, cantors, lectors, production team and our hosts at the Abbey and Manresa.
Michael Dias,
Markham, Ont.
Must read
I want to compliment you and your staff on the production of the wonderful 100th CWL Anniversary magazine edition. It is a must read for all members and all women. Thank you. I am glad I will be able to buy copies for our 10 parish members.
Marcella Pedersen,
Cut Knife, Sask.