The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: October 31, 2021

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

October 28, 2021

    Helpful solution

    The Archdiocese of Toronto recently announced that, as of Oct. 8, it requires “all employees,” including priests, lay ministers and parish volunteers, at “the workplace, be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide regular proof of … negative COVID-19 test results.” Essentially it has mandated vaccination but also offered an alternative.

    In contrast, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says “that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and, therefore, it must be voluntary.” It’s contradictory to mandate vaccination and also say it’s voluntary. How do you reconcile these opposing approaches? 

    The archdiocese has tried to do it by providing the option of regular COVID-19 testing. This recognizes that vaccination is voluntary. It’s a helpful, though imperfect, solution to a difficult problem.

    Claudio Ceolin,


    Mission disconnect

    Re: Money will be raised, but how to spend it? (Fr Raymond de Souza, Oct. 10):

    The article by all appearances is an analysis on the CCCB apology. However, I do have a different overall impression. He may have unintentionally or intentionally painted a Church in quandary. 

    If the bishops will have a dilemma how to spend the money that will be raised, according to Fr. de Souza, it does reflect that the CCCB is unsure of what to do. 

    “The Catholic target will likely be no more than one-half of one per cent of all the monies spent to date on residential schools reconciliation.” Fr. de Souza examined each initiative and scenario. All he found is roadblocks. Yet he fingered the crux of the matter: “No, the money is not really about the money; but rather a sign of renewed repentance, contrition and purpose of amendment. It is a sort of penance.” 

    So, this is really what was missing! A clear reference point of action consistent with personal vocation and not just with office. Is this dilemma an indication of personal disconnection from mission?

    Rufino Ty,

    Brampton, Ont.

    Late changes

    It is so sad and heartbreaking as a Catholic to read constantly about the sinful abuse that has  happened within our Catholic Church.  For years the Church has known that the Canon Law was inadequate and yet it took four decades to introduce the changes we just saw in June 2021. The abuse of children was vaguely referred to under Crimes Against Special Obligations. It allowed bishops to put mercy for the offending clergy before justice, ignoring the offended person. 

    Didn’t Jesus speak clearly about hurting little children?  (Matthew 18:6). It does not say “transfer the priest to another parish.”

    Iona D’Cruz,


    Easy answer

    Re: Letters (Sept. 26):

    Michael Chard wrote “I think the real question posed by this election is who, if anybody, can a Catholic vote for? As a Catholic myself, my answer to that question is “no one.”

    How can any Catholic vote for anyone who promotes or agrees with the killing of a child being created in his/her mother’s womb? That act would be against the fifth commandment —“Thou shalt not kill” — loud and clear. The answer is or should be very easy to voice.

    Joyce de Gannes,

    Don Mills, Ont.