The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: November 28, 2021

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

November 25, 2021

    Truth exposed

    We take pride in our belief that we are a welcoming and inclusive society. If we examine our language deeper we are faced with the truth that we are not. We were not welcoming or inclusive to the people who are here already before we arrived. The phrase “we are a nation of immigrants” exposes the exclusion of the Indigenous people. The phrase summarized why we are in this tender spot. Their being out of our consciousness resulted in their being out of our society.

    We imposed conditions (residential schools) in order for them to be acceptable to our society, yet we put no such hurdle to those coming from other countries. I remember reading a comment on immigrants by an Indigenous man: “They are as Canadian as they come.” I could detect the sadness in his words.

    What could be the rationale for this contrast of policy? 

    Rufino Ty,

    Brampton, Ont.

    Grateful blessing

    Thanksgiving is a deep-rooted American tradition where it ranks in significance with Christmas. It represents the 1621 harvest feast at Plymouth shared by the first English settlers and the Wampanoag people. The pilgrims were profoundly grateful to God and the assistance of the natives in having survived the brutal winter.

    But it has a far deeper religious meaning and multiple faith traditions celebrate it every week on the Sabbath. In Christianity it culminates in Christmas and Easter.

    In Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, at the Cratchit family Christmas dinner, short on the luxuries but abounding in love, Bob Cratchit proposes a toast: “To the founder of the feast, Mr. Scrooge.” There is a howl of indignation at even the mention of the name but Bob is firm, “My dear, it is Christmas.”

    What Bob has discerned is the essence of the feast: to magnify one’s blessings and let go of grievance. His job, in precarious times, is what has kept his precious family together and he gives thanks where it is due. Gratitude is Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

    Michael Dias,

    Markham, Ont.

    Heal wounds

    Synodality has been present in the Church since the Council of Jerusalem approved Paul’s mission to the Gentile world. Synodality recognizes that the spirit of God works through each of us. This approach in itself could heal many wounds in the Canadian Catholic Church.

    At this point in time, the Canadian Catholic Church; hierarchy, clergy and laity need to prayerfully listen to one another in order to discern where the Spirit is leading us.

    “Synodality cannot just be a feature of the Church’s life, it needs to become the way in which we are Church” (James Hanvey SJ).

    Anne Wiley,


    Inspiring youth

    Thank you for each and every issue of this wonderful Catholic paper.

    So many really amazing articles among the issues. We all have favourites, but to single them out would be a very long list. But I need to say the projects and writings of our youth are so inspiring. Our world benefits by the healthy input of our youth.

    Valerie Zuk,

    Peachland, B.C.