The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: December 5, 2021

Catholic Register Staff

December 2, 2021

    Address crimes

    The consequences of crimes committed to Indigenous people in Canada, the first owners of land, lakes and rivers, over the last century, must be addressed to all Canadian institutions that were involved in the crimes by being deaf, dumb and blind on the crimes committed, or encouraged the crimes, then, each of them to be charged for the full damage it has done, and Canada to ensure that the crimes committed will never repeat again.

    If Canada would not do so, the persecution of the Indigenous people will continue and a persecution of the Catholic Church in Canada will follow.

    Mile Pletikosa,

    Scarborough, Ont.

    True penance

    I’m having trouble with the plan to raise $30 million for a residential school reconciliation fund by the means of a fundraising campaign.  I am not opposed to the Church paying reparation for the tragic aspects of the residential school system, but I am questioning when money comes from parishioners — this is much too easy on the Church and religious orders in Canada. 

    To show true remorse, the Church in Canada, including the orders directly involved, must go through the painful process of finding the money from within by whatever means necessary — they must be seen to sit in sack clothes and ashes so to speak. If they cannot find the funds internally or through the selling off of assets, then they should go to Rome.

    We must demonstrate to our brothers and sisters that we will suffer true pain with them, not just washing our hands through another fundraising campaign.

    Fred van Velsen,


    Absolute peace

    Re: I’ll continue to pray and offer up my pain (Nov. 21):

    Columnist Charles Lewis shares his insight into the terror of facing a life-threatening illness and asks how such an ordeal can be borne.

    A powerful aid at our disposal for times of extraordinary suffering is the development of an interior life founded on the Catholic faith. Three trustworthy books toward this end are Manual for Interior Souls by Fr. Grou (1910), The Three Ages of the Interior Life by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange (1946) and Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence by Fr. de Caussade (1959). Each author leads the soul to personal awareness that the misery of this life is relative whereas the peace of Christ is absolute.

    Lise Anglin,


    Great job

    I regularly read Mr. (Charles) Lewis’ articles and I like all of them. It is good to look at the positive side of things, but we cannot ignore the ones that are negative. We have to try to do our best to fight them.

    I think you are doing a great job. Go on doing this.

    Grazia Buglioni,

    Vancouver, B.C.

    No law

    Most bird nests and eggs are protected under the law in Canada, but not unborn children. This is wrong.

    Canada is the only democratic country in the world with no abortion law, protecting the unborn. Canada needs to get up to date — and protect the unborn. 

    Dean Clark,

    Langley, B.C.