December 9, 2021
Praise earned
Re: Led by the Spirit to joyful encounter (Deacon Robert Kinghorn, Nov. 28):
St. Ignatius of Loyola once said, “Hate what the world seeks and seek what it avoids.” The world avoids the poor and rejected people “on the street.” Yet they are the very ones Deacon Robert Kinghorn seeks out and helps.
I had frequent contact with such persons in my former occupation so I know the challenges he faces in his mission. Saying it’s difficult and dangerous is an understatement. In my experience street people were often treated with contempt and felt disrespected. So, it wasn’t usually food they wanted most, but love and respect. Kinghorn provides these things in abundance. He deserves high praise for bringing the faith and hope of Christ to those living in the midst of despair.
Claudio Ceolin,
Three choices
Abortion clinics only offer abortion. They like to keep women in the dark about their choices.
At crisis pregnancy centres, they offer women real choice. They offer adoption, parenting and abortion. Three choices to one. Abortion at abortion clinics is where they make a lot of money. The more babies they kill the more money they make.
Remember when abortion clinics said abortion is safe, legal and rare. Abortion isn’t safe, it kills babies and sometimes women with botched abortions. It is legal, but that doesn’t make it right.
Dean Clark,
Langley, B.C.
Be prepared
Re: News & Notes, “Retrieve, Revive” (Nov. 28):
In discussing the reception of Holy Communion, it is useful to make a distinction between “worthiness” and “preparedness.” Strictly speaking, no one is worthy because the gift is so great. However, it is possible to be adequately prepared by taking the steps recommended by the Catholic Church. Putting oneself forward to receive Holy Communion without preparation is like attending a royal wedding banquet in a dirty jogging suit.
Lise Anglin,
On sidelines
We recently celebrated Christ the King, but what we see and observe in our churches are not consistent with the celebration. In many churches, Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is placed at the side of the sanctuary. That is not the right place for a King to be sidelined.
In churches where the Blessed Sacrament is at the centre, during consecration the priest’s back is turned towards the Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, preferentially to face the congregation. Metaphorically it expresses we can have a Mass without Christ. Really? No wonder the faithful are confused about the Real Presence of Christ, whereas the Tridentine Mass, or the traditional Latin Mass, expresses the majesty of the Kingship of Christ
Rufino Ty,
Brampton, Ont.
Stepping up
To come to the Purgatory
then to the Heaven
dear slaves and rulers,
employees and employers,
friends and neighbours,
sons and daughters,
sisters and brothers,
mothers and fathers,
the truth, prayers, love, mercy, deeds ...
are only and reliable ladders.
Merry Christmas!
Have a blessed New Year!
Mile Pletikosa,
Scarborough, Ont.