The Catholic Register

Christmas Drawing Contest 2021 winners

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

December 15, 2021

    Without a doubt, there is an abundance of great artists in the making in our Catholic schools.

    The evidence flowed into The Catholic Register’s website as well as our mailbox at the office over the past few weeks, almost overwhelming our judges for the annual children’s Christmas drawing contest.

    Well over 700 entries came in, most by the digital route, making our job of judging entries a tough one, but nevertheless a very pleasant one as well.

    Within each of the three grade categories — Grades 1-3, 4-6 and 7-8 — the task of narrowing down the field of candidates grows tougher each year as the students bring their own perspective to the birth of Jesus. That was again the case this year, even moreso because of the astounding number of entries.

    The entries on these pages shows the talent that abounds in our schools.

    And now onto the winners ….

    Grade 7-8

    In the Grade 7-8 category, the judges were most impressed with the picture drawn by 13-year-old Eliza Siglowy. With the star of Bethlehem bathing the Holy Family in its light, the scene in the stable takes on a holy, peaceful glow. Eliza is a Grade 8 student at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Guelph, Ont.

    Eliza Siglowy, Grade 8 (Winner)Eliza Siglowy, Grade 8 (Winner)
    Vi Quynh Nguyen, Grade 8Vi Quynh Nguyen, Grade 8
    Arianna Villavecer, Grade 8Arianna Villavecer, Grade 8
    Liana Meng, Grade 7Liana Meng, Grade 7
    Savannah Smith, Grade 8Savannah Smith, Grade 8
    Selena Hanny, Grade 7Selena Hanny, Grade 7
    Keira Carvalho, Grade 7Keira Carvalho, Grade 7

    Grade 4-6

    In the Grades 4-6 category, there the entry from Jacinth Jaikar Chandramohan Vijay, 11, stood out. With its intricate composition and use of colour, the Grade 6 student at St. Mark Catholic Elementary School in Stoney Creek, Ont., captures the story and characters that are entwined with the Nativity story. For us, it also made a perfect photo for The Register’s Christmas cover.

    Jacinth Jaikar Chandramohan Vijay, Grade 6 (Winner)Jacinth Jaikar Chandramohan Vijay, Grade 6 (Winner)
    Ricardo J. Henriquez Guerrero, Grade 5Ricardo J. Henriquez Guerrero, Grade 5
    Samantha Furii, Grade 4Samantha Furii, Grade 4
    Alexa Yeo, Grade 6Alexa Yeo, Grade 6
    Aidan Gonzalez Diaz, Grade 5Aidan Gonzalez Diaz, Grade 5
    Tianna Butros, Grade 5Tianna Butros, Grade 5
    Andrea Chanady, Grade 6Andrea Chanady, Grade 6

    Grade 1-3

    Eight-year-old Taissa Malitski’s drawing was the winner in the Grade 1-3 division. Inspired, no doubt, by stained-glass imagery, the Grade 3 student at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary in Hamilton, Ont., creates all the elements that make a perfect Christmas scene.

    Taissa Malitski, Grade 3 (Winner)Taissa Malitski, Grade 3 (Winner)
    Paul Wang, Grade 2Paul Wang, Grade 2
    Ciara Mayne, Grade 3Ciara Mayne, Grade 3
    Tristan Watulo, Grade 2Tristan Watulo, Grade 2
    Daniela S. Estradas Barrueta, Grade 1Daniela S. Estradas Barrueta, Grade 1

    Each of the three winners receives $75 in Amazon gift certificates.

    Additional Entries

    Below is a gallery of additional honourable mentions.

    Thanks to all who entered and special thanks to the parents and teachers who helped organize, scan or mail in the entries.

    We wish all a Merry Christmas.