Readers Speak Out: February 20, 2022
February 17, 2022
Civility beats bigotry
His Eminence Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory’s appointment to lead the Archdiocese of Washington is nothing short of a divine achievement that parallels former U.S. President Barack Obama’s rise to power.
During Obama’s reign, America saw the rise of a great civility that extended beyond tokenism into the first, furtive steps towards racial and ethnic reconciliation. What better way for a suffering Church to confront the demonic spectre of hatred that has infiltrated its ranks than by appointing a man who has the experience and wisdom to call out polarization?
Christopher Mansour,
Barrie, Ont.
Life and COVID
It’s good that Archbishop J. Michael Miller criticizes the culture of death as it debases the human person and society. He says we must work “to foster in our country a culture of life.” We fully agree.
However, where are the voices of the bishops of Canada to defend human life, when the faithful are being coerced to put in their bodies experimental COVID-19 injections? This is now being done to children.
Is the body not the temple of the Holy Spirit?
The faithful know that governments and the media don’t have a mission to evangelize. However, the bishops are called to spread the Word and communicate the truth. Readers should expect that same moral responsibility from Catholic publications.
Sadly, the evidence points to another conclusion.
Lou Jacobelli
Healthy liberty
The Feb. 13 editorial “What is normal?” highlights the conflict between civil liberties and pandemic restrictions in Quebec.
The proposal that Catholics should be barred from Mass if they do not provide proof of full vaccination is cited as an alarming example.
Some Canadians seem to be settling into a mindset that considers civil liberties, including freedom of religion, to be at odds with good health. In fact, no Canadian should ever have to choose between Charter-guaranteed freedoms and health, especially over the long term.
Freedom needs health and health needs freedom.
Lise Anglin
Meet the truckers
Anna Farrow gives an accurate eyewitness account of the Ottawa trucker “Freedom Convoy” as being made up of peaceful protesters from different religious and ethnic backgrounds. Conversely, Prime Minister Trudeau falsely describes them as a “fringe minority” who spread hate and violence.
The truckers don’t wish to harass Ottawa citizens. In fact, they’ve cleared snow from city streets, picked up garbage and given food to the homeless. They want to negotiate with the government about lifting all COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. Millions of Canadians agree with them.
Yet our prime minister refuses to meet with the truckers and hints that he may use riot police against them. That would be wrong. Canada’s Charter of Rights guarantees freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.
Claudio Ceolin