Readers Speak Out: April 3, 2022
April 1, 2022
Antidote to war
Re: War and the Cross (Editorial, March 13):
In the anti-war film Oh! What a Lovely War patriotic hymns are sung, and a pastor tells his congregation theirs is a righteous cause against a dastardly enemy. The scene then cuts to the other side and their pastor. It brilliantly clarifies the nature of war: a mass psychosis.
Anger is a deadly sin. Fearful anger it is another thing altogether. War can lead to the worst human depravity, but it can also lead to the Cross. Whereas one is blind collective violence, the other is individual catharsis. It is, in fact, the antidote to war.
The first one chosen for salvation is not one from our side but the despised other: the Good Thief.
Michael Dias,
Markham, Ont.
Michael Swan’s “War spending traps us in a new cold war” on March 13 was an important front-page article. I appreciated the points Greg Gillis made about how we can get trapped in war spending when there are other human needs.
The voice of the Catholic peace movement, Pax Christi, needs to be heard.
Len Desroches
Objective view
I read with interest The Catholic Register’s “War spending traps us in a new cold war.” The article is well balanced reflecting different views on military budgets in Canada.
Thank you for providing a moderate and objective review.
Guillermo Banuelos
Alliston, Ont.
Way of peace
Thank you for publishing the article, “War spending traps us in new Cold War.” The way demonstrated by Jesus of Nazareth is the way of peace. Followers of Jesus are always concerned for the health and well-being of their neighbours so all humanity might live meaningful lives.
I, too, fear “more defence spending, more weapons and a cycle of escalating defence budgets that will trap Canada in a new Cold War for at least a generation” when Canadians are experiencing a housing crisis, lengthening lines at food banks and a deteriorating environment.
Love for our neighbours is not an easy path. It is actually the road less travelled.
Allan Baker
Scarborough, Ont.
Be prophetic
Glen Argan hit the nail on the head when he asserted in the March 13 issue: “The defence of human dignity is inherent to the proclamation of the Gospel.”
What I yearn to hear is preachers and Catholic commentators sinking that “nail” by being prophetic. They could quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta that there will be no peace until we stop abortion.
Being prophetic includes being verbal about such a divine revelation when it is given and when it is being fulfilled.
Combatting the culture of death as the root cause is the priority and the remedy.
Fr. Terrence McKenna
Brampton, Ont.